Day 22: Lotta Dubs

Tony and Sareena discussing jump rope technique

CrossFit WOD for Monday 2/24

Rogue Qualifier 20.3
AMRAP in 20:00
  100 double unders
  80 alternating dumbbell snatches, 50/35/20lbs
  100 double unders
  60 toes-to-bar
  100 double unders
  40 double dumbbell squat, 2×50/35/20lbs
  100 double unders
  20 strict HSPU

Share score to whiteboard. Compare to 1/24/2020. Post workout will be calf stretching and chair stretching.

READ: Wodapalooza Leads the Way for Inclusive Competitions – Morning Chalk Up

3 replies
  1. Miles Smith
    Miles Smith says:

    Sunday, Feb 23
    7 hours of low quality sleep (hangover-sleep)

    10 AM – cheese and bacon sandwich
    12 PM – beef chili, sour cream, pico
    6 PM – beer, whiskey, beef chili, sour cream
    8 PM – 3 gluten free cupcakes
    10 PM – frozen dinner – quinoa chicken mango wild rice

  2. Andrew S
    Andrew S says:

    Workout – protein shake
    Breakfast – egg white omelette, toast, fig bar
    Lunch – stir-fry
    Dinner – curry, bit of rice
    Night – casein, cashews

  3. Sarah H
    Sarah H says:

    Monday 2/24
    More detailed journal on MyFitnessPal. @sarahbr11
    I realized that I’m really not doing a good job with consistency once I get home. Rather than continue to fight it, I’m going to try a modified intermittent fasting/OMAD schedule. The plan is to have a protein shake for breakfast, a protein shake for lunch, and collagen green tea throughout the day.

    8am: protein shake
    10am: collagen green tea
    12pm: protein shake
    7pm: 1/2 order of eggs bao’nedict leftovers on a bowl of broccoli and peas

    I also consumed 64 oz H2O throughout the day.

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