We’re going to hit you with three follow-along workouts every Monday through Friday. We’ll go live once a day on Saturdays and Sundays.
WORKOUT for Monday 3/23/2020
7am: Live on Zoom (RSVP via ZenPlanner for meeting address)
12pm: Instagram Live on mobile!
6pm: Live on INSTAGRAM LIVE and Zoom (RSVP via ZenPlanner for meeting address)
AMRAP in 20:00
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
AMRAP in 20:00
5 handstand pushups
10 alternating single-leg squats
15 pullups
Share rounds completed (and any extra reps) to comments!
Modify and/or scale the pullups depending on your equipment situation. Got a band, kettlebells, or dumbbells? Do some bent-over rows or seated rows! If going for HSPU don’t kick a hole into your drywall.
2nd Serving: Strength
AMRAP in 9:00 of
15 band press
15 band overhead tri ext
15 band bent over row
15 band reverse curl
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17 rounds + 7!
Have a good Monday!
cindy: 14 rounds + 18 reps (modified the pull-ups & push-ups) great doing the WOD with all of you tonight!