CONDITIONING for Saturday 8/15/2020


Get outdoors this weekend and go on a long aerobic effort! It could be a hike, a long walk through the city, a bike ride, bring out the kayak, run a trail, mountain bike a trail, bust out those roller skates, whatever! Just get outside, synthesize some Vitamin D, and be proud of your efforts.

Share your activity to comments!

READ: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Downhill Skateboarding – Lush Longboards
WATCH: Premiering at 10am

Feel like the wheels are spinning again? Like the consistency of the back squats?

CONDITIONING for Champagne Friday 8/14/2020


AMRAP in 15:00
10 weighted alternating forward-backward lunges
15 push presses
20 pogo jumps

You can watch the workout prep video below! Post results to comments.

Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 7 of 12): EMOM x8 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: A Single Russian Pushup is Like a Full Core Workout – Well + Good

CONDITIONING or Thursday 8/3/2020


AMRAP in 6:00
3-6-9-12-15-18-21-etc of
goblet squats

If you’re loading isn’t as heavy as you can muster then rest 6:00 and repeat one more time. Post results to comments!

READ: Simone Biles Would Like to Thank Herself – VICE


CONDITIONING for Wednesday 8/12/2020

3-5 rounds of :40 on, :20 rest
a. front lunges
b. v-ups
c. jumping lunges
d. weighted situp
e. goblet squat
(f. 2 min rest)

Workout goes :40 front lunges, :20 rest, :40 v-ups, :20 rest, :40 jumping lunges, :20 rest, :40 weighted situps, :20 rest, :40 goblet squats, :20 rest + 2:00 rest. Post results to comments!

– As there is quite a lot of rest in this workout the idea is to keep the intensity high.
– Doubled tabata = longer sets but longer rests. Remember tabata is supposed to be true full work the entire interval, no stopping early & no pacing for maximum benefit. 
– Very leg-biased but push the pump!
– Weighted equipment preferred but this can be done with a lighter odd-object if necessary
– Use this timer:

READ: 4 Steps for a Better Squat – Juggernaut Training Systems

(Check your lanes for a new present!)

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 8/11/2020

AMRAP in 10:00 for time:
10 sumo deadlift high pull
10 Right-arm press
10 sumo deadlift high pull
10 Left-arm press

Post reps completed to comments.

Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 7 of 12): EMOM x6 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: Why One Neuroscientist Started Blasting His Core – The Atlantic

Tyler working on keeping the rib cage down while going overhead.

CONDITIONING for Monday 8/10/2020


AMRAP in 12:00
12 jumping lunges
12 power cleans
12 burpees

Post results to comments. Warmup and workout with Gunnar here:

Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 7 of 12): E2MOM do 1-2-3-2-1 reps

READ: How Cities Can Tackle Violent Crime Without Relying on Police – Vox

CONDITIONING for Sunday 8/9/2020

“It is the quality of one’s convictions that determines success, not the number of followers.” -Remus Lupin

tabata sumo squats immediately into tabata hi/lo planks

AMRAP 20:00
20 v-ups
30 squat cleans, medium weight
40 bicycles
50 jumping jacks

Ultimately, this workout is all about the squat cleans. The other movements will be your rest, and the jumping jacks will help shake out the muscles. Find a rep amount you can consistently complete for the cleans and stick to it. You can use a med ball, a heavy object at home to simulate a med ball, a dumbbell or kettlebell, or a barbell loaded to a medium weight.

Post results to comments!

READ: Roza Takes Over as DOJ/FTC Issues Final Approval of CrossFit Acquisition – Morning Chalk Up. Glassman is out, Roza is in. Thoughts?
WATCH: This is our most commented-on video. How many Russian pushups can you do before needing a break?


CONDITIONING for Saturday 8/8/2020

Warm-up jog to a nearby park with a grassy and clean field (inspect it beforehand!)

Complete 5 rounds of:
50′ bear crawl
50′ spider crawl
50′ duck walk
25 jumping air squats (AKA “frog jumps”)
1:00 rest

OPTIONAL: bring a slam-ball if you have one and incorporate 25 gorilla ball-slams on top of each round! Post results to comments!

READ: USA Weightlifting Moves American Open Series 3 Online – BarBend

CONDITIONING for Friday 8/7/2020

“Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more: believing in yourself.” -HP

Tabata glute bridges to Tabata Cossack squats

every minute on the minute x 30:00
a.) 16 overhead lunges
b.) 40 speed skaters
c.) 16 single leg squats
d.) 40 Russian twists
e.) 40 mountain climbers

This is a long EMOM. Every movement should take roughly 30-40 seconds of the minute allotted. If it’s taking longer, scale the reps to fit in that time frame.  To keep it simple, it was written so that each rep per side equals 1. Right leg, 1. Left leg, 2. etc. For example, you’ll do 20 mountain climbers on each leg in a round. Same for all the movements. For pistols, you can adjust squat depth use a chair or bench as a scale.  For the overhead lunges, use a medium to heavy weight. This can be a kettlebell, dumbbell, or household item like a bag of flour or a frying pan. If going overhead is challenging, scale by holding the weight in a rack position.

Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 6 of 12): EMOM x7 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: How ‘Good White People’ Derail Racial Progress – CNN

High volume banded bodybuilding for joint development and recovery

CONDITIONING for Thursday 8/6/2020

“I mean, it’s sort of exciting, isn’t it? Breaking the rules.” -HG

Tabata rotational chops directly into Tabata scap pushups

20:00 AMRAP
20 squat jacks
20 kb swings
20 burpees
20 pushups
20 double unders/penguin jumps (or 100m run!)

Post results to comments!

Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 6 of 12): EMOM x 6 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: We Train Police to be Warriors- and Then Send Them Out to be Social Workers – Vox