WORKOUT for Wednesday 12/21/2022

every minute on the minute for 16:00
a. 2 power snatch
b. hang snatch + 2 OHS

6 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 DB snatch, 20/35/50lbs
1:00 crossover single unders
1:00 pogo burpees
1:00 rest

Post score to whiteboard.

ENGINE for Wed 12/21

AMRAP in 25 minutes:
400m run/equivalent
30 box jumps
30 wall ball

BODYBUILDING for Wed 12/21

3-4 rounds:
2 sets max strict pullups
15 DB Arnold press

4-5 rounds:
15 JM press, heavy
15 KB towel curl

SKILLS for Tuesday 12/20/2022 is the SNATCH

CompEx for Tues 12/20

“SHSPU density test”
for time:
20 SHSPU/8 wall walks
1:00 rest
15 SHPU/4 wall walks
:30 rest
10 SHSPU/2 wall walks

every :90 x6 do a power snatch + OHS @65-70%

AMRAP in 10:00
5 power snatch, 25/34/48kg
10 deadlifts
15 toes-to-bar

GYMNASTICS for Tues 12/20

every :30 for 10:00
:03 top-of-pullup/chinup hold
1 bar muscle-up/jumping pullup negative

AMRAP in 6:00
16 alternating V-up
20 supermans
24 alternating plank hip taps

WORKOUT for Monday 12/19/2022

5 rounds of a 500m row for time, resting as needed between efforts


20:00 to establish a 1RM squat (front/back/overhead/etc)

Post slowest 500m and heaviest bar to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Mon 12/19


5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 jerks

Today you must go unbroken for the hang power cleans AND the jerks. Use a weight that allows that to happen. Rx is usually 30/50/70kg.

BODYBUILDING for Mon 12/19

20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 bench press, 12 barbell bicep curls between bench press sets

Happy holidays!

This Monostructural Monday we have some rowing intervals BEFORE another front or back squat max attempts.

For Weightlifting Wednesday we’ll be snatching alternating complexes before doing a GHOST protocol workout with dumbbells, crossover single unders, and pogo burpees

For Champagne Friday we’ll have a barbell complex after another chance at a shoulder-to-overhead max.

Saturday will be a farmer carry/wall walk couplet that’ll get that your metabolism up for the weekend.

MOBILITY for Sunday 12/18/2022

SKILLS for Saturday 12/17/2022 is the BENCH PRESS

WORKOUT for Saturday 12/17/2022

“The 12 Days of CrossFit”

in cumulative song format, for time:
100m run
2x 25′ bear crawl
:03 handstand
4 DB clean & jerks, 2×20/35/50lbs
5 dive-bomber pushups
6 knees-to-elbows
7 kettlebell swings, 12/16/24kg
8 toes-to-bar
9 dips
10 squat thrusts/burpees
11 pullups
12 rocking pistols

Post time to whiteboard!

Happy Champagne Friday! Join us at 5:30pm and 6:30pm for some bubbly post-workout- we’ll provide a bottle for each class but feel free to BYOB. It’s a great time to hang out with your swolemates during these cold and dark December days.

WORKOUT for Champagne Friday 12/16/2022

shoulder press 50/5, 60-65/3, 75/5+, 85/3+, 95/1+, 98-99/1, 101-102/1, etc

then choose one of the following FOR TIME:

a. 30 muscle-ups
b. 50 bar muscle-ups
c. 100 pullups

Post press and time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Fri 12/16

Choose two

a. “300 FU” Challenge

b. 2k ski for time

c. “KRONOS” 100 burpee box jump overs for time

BODYBUILDING for Fri 12/16

30-20-10 reps of
DB shrugs
DB hang cleans
DB split squats

5 rounds YGIG
10 Viper presses
20 barbell bicep curls

GYMNASTICS for Fri 12/16

EMOM x 10
:03 L-hang
4 kipping pullups (ideally butterfly)
5 toes-to-bar

handstand skills

SKILLS for Thursday 12/15/2022 is the JERK


CompEx for Thurs 12/15

banded lats, banded hip flexors, shoulder prehab

empty bar warmup then 20 minutes to build to a 1RM clean & jerk
– Suggested percentage ladder: 60 – 67 – 74 – 80 – 85 – 90 – 94 – 98+

10 rounds for time:
30 double unders
7 toes-to-bar
5 power clean, 20/29/43kg

WORKOUT for Wednesday 12/14/2022

EMOM x16:
a. power clean + 2 hang cleans
b. full clean + 2 front squats

4 rounds for time:
500m row
7 OHS, 30/50/70kg
3:00 rest

Post time to whiteboard! Scale to a single heavy DB/KB for the overhead squat or even a pair for those lacking mobility/stability.

ENGINE for Wed 12/14

2 rounds
3:00 calorie row, 2:00 rest
3:00 calorie bike, 2:00 rest
3:00 lateral shuttle, 2:00 rest

BODYBUILDING for Wed 12/14

3 rounds each!

a. 10 archer pullups + 10 DB cheat curls

b. 15 chest-supported low row + 15 straight-arm rear delt raise

c. 20 kettlebell/band lat pullover + 20 DB shrugs

d. 50 reverse crunches + 50 weighted crunches

SKILLS for Tuesday 12/13/2022 is the SQUAT

CompEx for Tues 12/13

EMOM x5 do 5 snatches at 50%

EMOM until failure do 1 snatch, starting at 60%

21-15-9-6-3 reps for time:
calorie row
overhead squat, 29/43/61kg

GYMNASTICS for Tues 12/13

1:00 gatherings
:30 rest
1:00 senders
:30 rest
1:00 bear pose shoulder taps
:30 rest

Do 3-4 rounds then

EMOM x16
a. 6+ knees-to-elbows
b. 6+ seated/strict box jumps

then press handstand work

WORKOUT for Monday 12/12/2022

establish a 1RM front squat then


for time:
100 hang power snatches
100 push presses
100 sumo deadlift high pulls
100 front squats

Rx = 10/20/35kg. Post time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Mon 12/12

for time:
210 single unders
21 double DB Devil’s press, 2x 20/35/50lbs
150 high knee single unders
15 double DB Devil’s press
90 double unders
9 double DB Devil’s press

BODYBUILDING for Mon 12/12

2-3 rounds
20 hang muscle clean
20 jumping back squats, 15/20kg

3 rounds
12 barbell bicep curl
12 cheat DB hammer curl

3-4 rounds
8 dips
8 chest flys
8 Z-press