MOBILITY for Sunday 12/11/2022

Generally when it comes to programming through the holidays I want to keep things a tad more simple because we’ll have those who are well into travel, interrupting their regular training, tons of visitors, and the general lack of consistency.

Monday you’ll max out your front squat then retest the benchmark “ANDI”, doing 100 reps of four different exercises, which we last did 9/2/22, 10/8/21, and 1/26/21.

On Weightlifting Wednesday we’re working an alternating clean complex before a row/overhead squat couplet. This workout has a built-in rest period so the goal there is to go full-send on each attempt. Really important to know what the high-power, short time domain to help balance out all the longer, lower-powered workouts you’re used to. Think 15 minutes or more.

For Champagne Friday we’ll max out our shoulder presses before a 30 muscle-up/60 bar muscle-up/100 pullup retest (YAY NO BURPEES THIS TIME). Where is your pulling capacity at and what goals does this set for 2023?

Then on Saturday we have our annual Christmas-time workout: the 12 Days of CrossFit. It’s a chipper done in cumulative song format and it’s fun as hell. A tradition started by the first-ever CrossFit affiliate CrossFit North (which eventually turned into Level 4 CrossFit Seattle) and continued by us! And if you happen to miss out on this we’ll be doing it again on Wednesday 12/28.

HEY GANG. 12th Ave is closed for the weekend!

Madison BUS RAPID TRANSIT 12th Ave Business Briefing Notes

  • This weekend (12/10-12/11) the final new water main connection will take place
  • 12th Ave will be closed
    Work will be at the intersection of 12th and Madison which is why closure is needed
  • Will also be taking place next weekend as well (12/17-12/18)
  • Local access will be maintained via Pike.
  • Work details
    • Friday night/early Saturday morning (12/09 – 12/10) night work on the south side of Madison near Seattle Academy (midnight to 8 AM) – some noise may be noticeable to area residents
    • 12AM – 8 AM shutdown on Sunday 12/11

SKILLS for Saturday 12/10/2022 is the SQUAT

WORKOUT for Sat 12/10

establish a 3RM deadlift, then


for time:
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-5 unbroken sets of double unders

Post time to whiteboard!

CompEx for Sat 12/10

front or back squat then

built to 80% of your 1RM deadlift then EMOM x3 rounds do 10 dead stop deadlifts, starting at around 50%

EMOM x12
a. 3-5 bar muscle-ups
b. 15-25′ handstand walking

every 6:00 for 36:00
a. 20/25 calorie row + 30 kettlebell swings (16/24/32kg) + 15/20 calorie row
b. 20/25 calorie row + 15 wall ball (14/20/30lbs) + 15/20 calorie row

The infamous 12 Days of CrossFit workout is coming to classes twice this month: Sat 12/17 and Wed 12/28

FCF and CFSLU athletes playing Masskrugstemmen

WORKOUT for Champagne Friday 12/9/2022

Complete both parts

a. 5k for time
b. EMOM x20 do 3-5 DB hang snatches, 2×20/35/50lbs
(in remaining time of each interval do walking lunges on the EVEN minutes, situps on the ODD)

Post 5k time to whiteboard!

*Join us at the 5:30pm and 6:30pm classes for complimentary bubbly!*

ENGINE for Fri 12/9

2-2-3 intervals of

a. 15 shuttle runs & 30 toes-to-bar
b. 30 calorie row & 45 box jump overs


8 barbell Cali roll
10 in-and-out plyo pushups
8 BW tricep extensions
10 archer pushups
8 X-pushups
10 offset pushups (switch sides halfway)

Complete 2-3 times either in consecutive sets or in rounds.

GYMNASTICS for Fri 12/9

E2MOM x6
6 SHSPU/negative HSPU
12 alternating single leg squats
18 shoulder taps/HSW’

AMRAP in 5:00
12 bicycle crunch
6 teapots/one side, medium-heavy
12 hollow rocks
6 teapots/other side, medium-heavy

then false-grip and muscle-up work

WORKOUT for Wednesday 12/7/2022

every :90 for 10 rounds:
hang power snatch + power snatch + overhead squat

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 pullups
10 pogo burpee
10 PVKBS, 12/16/24kg

Post score to whiteboard.

ENGINE for Wed 12/7

Triple 3 Thirds

3 rounds for time:
1k row
100 double unders
1 mile run


8 sets of 8 reps:
– double DB push press
– lateral delt raise
– tricep extensions
– chest fly
– chest supported row/side
– banded lat pull down
– overhand barbell bicep curl

SKILLS for Tuesday 12/6/2022 is the DEADLIFT

CompEx for Tues 12/6


every 2:00 x8 do a 3-position snatch @50-70%

5 rounds of
300′ shuttle run
2-3 rope climbs

5 rounds of 2:00 on, 1:00 off
12 toes-to-bar
12 burpee over bar
max ring dips

upper body correctives for 3 sets
:30-:45 bat wing holds
20 banded lat pulldowns

GYMNASTICS for Tues 12/6

EMOM x12
a. :30 handstand
b. 6+ strict pullups

a. alternating v-up
b. alternating superman

hanging skills and support skills

Dumbbells for December! Speaking of which, are you participating in The Character Mile?

WORKOUT for Monday 12/5/2022

front squats 50/5 (2), 65/3, 75/5, 85/3, 95/1+

every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:
3 DB power cleans + 4 DB front squats + max burpees in remaining time

Rx = 2×20/35/50lbs. Post score (total burpees) to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Mon 12/5


6 rounds for total reps:
1:00 calorie row (must stay under 28 s/m)
1:00 burpee over rower (facing away from monitor)
1:00 double unders (must “single/double/single/double” the work)
1:00 rest


6 rounds (one side per round):
12 one-arm DB RDL
9 one-arm DB hang muscle snatch
6 one-arm DB jerks

2-3 rounds/side:
10 one-arm DB bent-over row
10 one-arm DB bench press

2 rounds for time:
50 reverse crunches
50 upper-body-only supermans


Need some mobility to check-in with your body before the start of the new week?

MOBILITY for Sunday 12/4/2022

Now onto programming!

Monday we’ll see how much those EMOM weightlifting complexes have been paying off with a dumbbell conditioning version after our 5/3/1 week. The next two weeks we max out the front squat.

Wednesday, our weightlifting day, we’ll try some power snatches into some overhead squats. The conditioning is pullups, burpees, and perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings in a 20 minute AMRAP

Friday is another rowing time trial alongside some double dumbbell hang snatch/lunge intervals.

On Saturday you’ll deadlift a heavy triple then try the FLIGHT SIMULATOR workout so make sure you have a jump rope handy!

SKILLS for Saturday 12/3/2022 is the SNATCH

WORKOUT for Sat 12/3

3 rounds for time:
1000m row
15 KB power clean, 2×12/16/24kg
40 air squats
15 KB push press

Post time to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Friday 12/2/2022

shoulder press 50/5 (2), 60/3, 70/3, 80/3, 90/3+

5 rounds for time:
6 wall walks
12 toes-to-rings
18 single leg squats

Post time to whiteboard.

ENGINE for Fri 12/2

AMRAP in 20:00
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats


AMRAP in 20:00
10 alternating single leg squats
15 pullups


75 power snatches


4-5 rounds of
10+ weighted back extensions
15 rear delt flys
5-5-5 bicep openers

GYMNASTICS for Fri 12/2

4 rounds
10 tuck up + pullup
10 parallette shoot thru
4+ MB turkish getup/side

2+ rounds
1:00 (wall) plank
:20 chinup hold
20 plank hip taps
20+ Russian twists

SKILLS for Thursday 12/1/2022 is the BENCH PRESS

CompEx for Thurs 12/1

hip and shoulder prep

E:45 x5 do 3 press-in-split
EMOM x3 do 3 jerk-in-split

E2MOM x5 do hang clean below knee + clean + jerk @70-75%
E2MOM x5 do clean + front squat + jerk, starting @75% and building

every 2:00 complete
100′ handstand walk
5 hang power snatch, 43/61kg
max muscle-ups in remaining time

rest 1:00 and repeat for a total of four rounds

MOBILITY for Thurs 12/1