This Friday, Native American Heritage Day, you can join us at 12pm to 2pm for Friendsgiving!

Bring some food to share- perfect if you have leftovers!

We will provide some snacks

Coach Dave (professional chef by trade) may make something for those in attendance!


and finally RSVP in PushPress so we have a headcount- we won’t count as a class

WORKOUT for Monday 11/21/2022

front squat 50/5, 50/5, 60/3, 65/5, 75/5, 85/5+

for time:
300 double unders
200 situps
100 DB reverse lunges, 2×20/35/50lbs

Rx = unpartitioned. Post time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Mon 11/21

EMOM x24
a. 10/13/15 calorie row
b. 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats
c. max kettlebell clean & jerks

BODYBUILDING for Mon 11/21

3+ rounds:
10+ KB crush-grip bent-over row
10+ parallel ring row
10+ weighted hip extension

3+ rounds
barbell bicep curls 21’s
banded lat pulldown 21’s

Rest as needed everywhere!

We’re back to a new cycle for 5/3/1. Still sticking with front squats on Mondays and strict presses on Friday it’s time to apply your new estimated 1RM to your percentages. Remember that you should apply your training max (90% of actual 1RM) to the daily percentages to stay successful, and without overthinking.

For this holiday week we’re going to start the workout with an echo of last Friday’s “ANNIE” movement-wise, but rather than descending volume sets we’re going to give you bulk numbers of 300/200/100 and your goal is to chip away until it’s time to move onto the next skill. Remember: it’s probably a good idea to have your own jump rope. Don’t start with one of the expensive ones (the RPM community ropes at the gym are about $80/each)- you don’t need the tech which drives up that price.

On Wednesday, our Olympic weightlifting day, we’re working cleans and figuring out how to use our hips to get under and use our legs to drive the bar up. The conditioning piece introduces a new movement- don’t fret though, it’s easy to figure out. The challenge lies in your ability to adapt! Pair that with your pullups. Grips help for all hanging exercises. Bookmark that and add it to your wish list if you don’t have them.

We will be open this weekend as well! On Thanksgiving you’ll have a grand ol’ time with some brutal piece to keep your metabolism in check. On Native American Heritage Day we’ll race a 5k followed by some more Olympic weightlifting skill work. Saturday will be a barbell chipper in contrast to last Saturday’s body weight chipper.

We have one more month in the books for the remainder of this programming block, but also for 2022!

(See last week’s programming post here)

MOBILITY for Sunday 11/20/2022

SKILLS for Saturday 11/19/2022 is the DEADLIFT

WORKOUT for Sat 11/19/2022

for time:
80 walking lunges
70 burpees
60 calorie row
50 chest-to-bar pullups
40 dips
30 wall walks
20 bar muscle-ups

Post time to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Friday 11/18/2022

shoulder press 50/5, 50/5, 60/3, 75/5, 85/3, 95/1+

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
double unders
anchored ab-mat situps

SupeRx goes for unbroken sets of double unders and 1/2 reps GHDSU. Post time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Fri 11/18

60 calorie row
50 toes-to-bar
40 box jump overs
30 DB box step-over
20 minute AMRAP

BODYBUILDING for Fri 11/18

3 rounds
6-8 dumbbell shoulder press
10-12 alternating push press + slow lower
10-12 lateral (or rear) delt raises

3:00 rest

3 rounds
8+ Arnold presses
12+ Alternating Arnold presses
12+ alternating front delt raise

GYMNASTICS for Fri 11/18

4 rounds of 10 reps each:
– strict ball up
– (strict) dip w/ pause in bottom
– knee jumps

2-3 rounds:
1:00 top-of-feet plank
:30 pike handstand
15 side bends/side
10 prone PVC press

then false-grip muscle-up work

SKILLS for Thursday 11/17/2022 is the SNATCH

CompEx for Thurs 11/17

hip & shoulder prehab

EMOM x3 do 1-3 press in split, increasing 5-7% from last week
E2MOM x7 do clean (:02 pause) + jerk
– Sets 1, 2, 3: 2 reps @ 75-78%
– Sets 4, 5, 6: 1 rep @ 79-82%
– Set 7: 1 rep @ 83-86%

AMRAP in 5:00
7 front squats, 34/52/70kg
7 bar-facing burpees
9/12 calorie row
7 burpee pullups

Rest 1:00. Repeat for a total of 4 sets.

8 bulgarian split squats
10 med ball HS curl

MOBILITY for Thurs 11/17

WORKOUT for Wednesday 11/16/2022

every :90 for 8 sets: power snatch + overhead squat (either do 2 PSN + 1 OHS or 1 PS + 2 OHS)

10 rounds for time:
15 wall ball, 8/14/20lbs to 9/9/10′
3 power snatches, 20/35/50kg

Post time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Wed 11/16

1:30 almost-max effort, :30 rest/rotation:
– shuttle run
– row
– bike/ski
– lateral bounding box jumps
– prowler push + pull

BODYBUILDING for Wed 11/16

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
8 banded gorilla row
9 rear delt fly on rings
10 dips

100 push press
100 bicep curls

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
7 three-way DB delt raise
max effort chinup hold

SKILLS for Tuessday 11/15/2022 is the BENCH PRESS


GYMNASTICS for Tues 11/15

3-4 rounds
10 strict pullups
10 pushups (:03 at bottom + 4 taps at top)
10 BW Russian twist
10 BW RDL + Cossack squat (one side per round)

2-3 rounds
:30 chest-to-wall handstand
:30 seated pike
:30 mountain climber plank (per side)
:20 Russian twist

WORKOUT for Monday 11/14/2022

front squat 50/5 (2), 60/3, 75/5, 85/3, 95/1+

every minute on the minute for 20 intervals:
a. 2 power clean + jerk
b. 5 box jumps, high

Post average weight used and highest box used to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Mon 11/14

for time:
300 single unders
250 crunches
200 toe taps
150 double unders
100 slam ball
50 dips

Partition anyhow.

BODYBUILDING for Mon 11/14

Go as heavy as possible for each element, as long as you complete the prescribed volume.

3 rounds
10 bench press
8 one-arm bent over row (R)
8 one-arm bent over row (L)
2:00 rest

3 rounds
10 bent-arm pec fly
10 inverted/ring row
1:00+ rest

5 rounds
8 unbroken renegade rows
rest as needed