Thrusters Are Coming (Burpees Too)
Get ready for this Saturday where we will wrap up the 2017 Open with VERSUS X! Register for the event here!
+ Burpees In the Open: We Aren’t Done Yet! – Break Parallel
CrossFit WOD for Monday 3/20
bench press 5x10x60%
tempo chin ups 2121 4×5
EMOM for 8 minutes: 5 thrusters, 61/43kg
EMOM for 8 minutes: 5 overhead squats, 61/43kg
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
ohs 60/3, 70/2, 80/1 (2)
snatch 60/2, 70/2, 76/1, 82/1, 88/1, 94/1, 98/1
:30 elevated pigeon/side
15 plyo pushup
20 overhand barbell bicep curl
Kettlebell WOD
Ground force
Swing skills
Squats finisher