Tag Archive for: Follow Along Video

SKILLS for Tuesday 10/18/2022 is the DEADLIFT

CompEx for Tues 10/18

shoulder prehab, heaving snatch balances, snatch complexes, handstand pushup density tests

AMRAP in 10:00
5 power snatch
10 deadlift
15 toes-to-bar

GYMNASTICS for Tues 10/18

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 hang: pullup, ring row, knees-to-elbows, toes-to-bar, muscle-up, glide kip, etc
10 push: pushup, handstand pushup, freestanding handstand pushup, wall walk, etc
15 squat: air squat, single leg squat, box jump, box jump over, clear over, front scale to back scale, etc

MOBILITY for Tues 10/18

SKILLS for Thursday 10/13/2022 is the SNATCH

CompEx for Thurs 10/13

farmers/rack/reverse sled drag

6 sets to establish a 1RM back squat

EMOM x 15
– 10 tempo landmine press 20×1, R
– 10 tempo landmin press 20×1, L
– 10 tempo landmine press 20×1, R
– 10 tempo landmin press 20×1, L
– :30-:40 L-sit

EMOM x 15
– :15 cardio sprint
– :30 odd object squat, heavy
– :45 strict pullups
– rest

single leg finisher

MOBILITY for Thurs 10/13

SKILLS for Thursday 10/6/2022 is the SQUAT

MOBILITY for Thurs 10/6

SKILLS for Thursday 9/22/2022 is the PRESS, PUSH PRESS, and JERK

MOBILITY for Thurs 9/22

STRETCHING for Sunday 9/18/2022

SKILLS for Thursday 9/15/2022 is the CLEAN

MOBILITY for Thurs 9/15

SKILLS for Tuesday 9/13/2022 is the DEADLIFT

CompEx for Tues 9/13

core warmup flow then establish a strict press for the day in 15:00, followed by push press triples

gymnastics volume: strict handstand pushups, double unders, toes-to-bar

3-6-9-12-15-18 reps for time:
GHDSU/weighted situps

tricep bodybuilding

GYMNASTICS for Tues 9/13

every minute on the minute x 12:
a. :30 handstand
b. 7+ (strict) pullups

high bar skills

v-ups & alternating supermans

CONDITIONING for Tues 9/13

MOBILITY for Sunday 9/11/2022

SKILLS for Thursday 9/8/2022 is BENCH PRESS

MOBILITY for Thurs 9/8

MOBILITY for Sunday 9/4/2022