Who’s else loves Bell Ball?

The excitement/dread comes from a non-fixed target potentially swinging and moving around- no ringing, no rep!

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Thursday 4/1/2021

a. Preparation

EMOM x 15
8-12 calorie row
5-8 dips (or bar muscle-up into dips)
8-12 kettlebell swings, any style
5-8 wall walks
8-12 pogo burpees

The goal is move well through these to prep joints and movement patterns. We’re also testing basic “easy capacity” as we’re not looking to sprint or push them to their limits yet, but it should provide a nice challenge. Customize the movements and weight suggestions to have everyone feel level.

b. Metcon

for time:
60 double unders
60 DB deadlifts
60 double unders
60 DB box step-overs
60 double unders
60 burpees
60 double unders
60 calories

35:00 time limit. Rx would be 2×20/35/50+lbs DBs. How will you manage breaking down 60 reps multiple times? Post results to comments/whiteboard/your journal.

READ: When Men Started Obsessing Over Six-Packs – The Conversation

Were you able to cycle your shoulder-to-overhead better with yesterday’s sprint sets?

CONDITIONING for Wednesday 3/31/2021


AMRAP in 25:00​
12 devil’s presses
24 dumbbell step-ups
12 pogo burpees

Suggested Rx: 2×50/35/20lbs dumbbells, 20″ box. Modify to alternating sides if you only have a single dumbbell or kettlebell, front lunges instead of step-ups if you don’t have access to a large step. Post results to comments/your journal!

READ: Going Barefoot is Good For the Sole – Scientific American

Congrats to Aimee for hitting the 1750 level of WODclub!

Every single workout written in her journal, too!

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Tuesday 3/30/2021


EMOM x 15
8-12 calorie row
5-8 dips (or bar muscle-up into your straight-bar dips)
8-12 kettlebell swings, any style
5-8 wall walks
8-12 pogo burpees

Adjust your numbers as needed and make sure you get some rest before rotating.


10 rounds for time:
10/15/20 calorie sprint
1:00 rest
7 power jerks, 35/55/75kg
1:00 rest

Today’s workout should allow you the opportunity for FULL-OUT SPRINTS each time. The first element would be on a machine like the rower or an air bike (I’d prefer the bike, but we only have three available) where you can go full send without worrying about technique. The second element requires strength and coordination with a barbell (or dumbbells), which should also be heavy but doable. You’d be reaching to finish the set without breaking. With all of the rests programmed in here this should take about 30 minutes.

Post the time for each round to your journal. Fastest time to the whiteboard!

READ: Why the Amazon Union Vote is Bigger Than Amazon – The Verge

Anyone else miss the burpee complex?

CONDITIONING for Monday 3/29/2021


AMRAP in 20:00​
14 hang med ball cleans
14 plank drags
14 toe taps
14 russian twists

Try to maintain the same time for each round and have a pace that’s “reaching”. If you don’t have a medicine ball, use something that’s weighted like a backpack

READ: CrossFit Echo Park’s Shoe Donation Program for the Homeless Expands to Two More Gyms – Morning Chalk Up

Join us for YOGA with IVAN.MVMT at 10am on Zoom.

RSVP via PushPress for meeting info

AT-HOME RECOVERY for Sunday 3/28/2021

for 20 minutes at a conversational pace:
10m/30′ lateral shuffle, each direction
8 one-arm row/side
20 lateral step-overs
5 turkish situps/side

For the lateral shuffle just move around your space for no more than :15 then reverse the direction. I would load up a bag/backpack and you can use that for both the one-arm row AND turkish situp. Finally for the lateral step-over you can just use a chair if you don’t have a broom/pipe/stick/band you can setup. The goal is to challenge the control and flexibility of the hip actively so do what must be done.

Congrats to all of those who participated in the workouts of the past 3 weeks. We’ll be retesting these in over a month to see if we can make some improvements on the skills, stamina, and conditioning in regards to all these tested elements!

SUNDAY READ: 8 At-Home Workouts with Air Squats – BOXROX

Good luck if you’re doing #21point3and4 today!

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 3/27/2021


for time/15:00 time cap:
15 front squats
30 toes-to-bar
15 thrusters
1:00 rest
15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pullups
15 thrusters
1:00 rest
15 front squats
30 bar muscle-ups
15 thrusters

Immediately followed by


establish a 1RM of the following complex in 7:00:
hang clean

Post scores to whiteboard and your journal. And submit your scores if needed!

AT-HOME WORKOUT for Saturday 3/27/2021

READ: CGO 21.3 / 21.4 Preliminary Analysis & Strategies – BTWB

Looks like we’re finally getting a barbell in this year’s Open. Even then, the Equipment-Free option looks like a great challenge!

CONDITIONING for Friday 3/26/2021


Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:
a. 12 burpees
b. 24 medicine ball push press
c. 12 medicine ball cleans
d. 36 plank jacks

Modify the numbers as needed-try to complete each of the movements in 40 seconds or less, at least for the first two rotations. Medicine ball should be about 20/14lbs+ so keep that in mind if you’re modifying the equipment.

Post results to comments.

READ: CrossFit Open 21.3 & 21.4 Workout Descriptions and Strategies – Morning Chalk Up

Who wants to bet we get THRUSTERS and PULLUPS or TOES-TO-BAR for 21.3? Instead of the usual 5pm release they’ll be announcing the workout live (video below) at 12pm PST.

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Thursday 3/25/2021

Tabata planks, Tabata squats, 50 box jumps (do something different from Tuesday!)

power snatch + overhead squat
snatch + snatch balance

15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
power snatch, 20/45/64kg
burpee over bar

Post heaviest complex (and what version you did) and time to whiteboard.

READ: Dying Planet or Not, Americans Won’t Stop Eating Beef – Eater

Fresh off of joining the 1750 WOD club!

CONDITIONING for Wednesday 3/24/2021


tabata squats
tabata dips
tabata v-ups
tabata pushups
tabata burpees

Rest 1:00 between exercises. Remember: the original intention for tabata intervals is to go full effort each time you’re supposed to work, not a strategy in hitting a specific number. Especially when these exercises are all bodyweight.

Post results to your journal and/or comments!

READ: Is the Pandemic Breaking Our Backs? – The New Yorker

Lots of burpee box jumps over this past week. Did you feel prepared for them?

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Tuesday 3/23/2021

Tabata planks, Tabata squats, 50 box jumps, establish a 1RM thruster, then
Kinda “16point4”
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
55 deadlifts, 50/75/110kg
55 bell ball, 8/14/20lbs
55 calorie row
55 HSPU/Z-press
Post scores to whiteboard, comments, and/or your journal.