WORKOUT for Wednesday 6/1/2022

7 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 push press, 25/35/50kg
1:00 box jumps, 12/20/24″
1:00 sumo deadlift high pull, 25/35/50kg
1:00 rest

Post score to whiteboard!


SKILLS for Tuesday 5/31/2022 is BENCH PRESS

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 5/31/2022

Also just in case you’re really beat up due to yesterday’s volume:

FOAM ROLLING for Tuesday 5/31/2022

If you didn’t catch it, check out our PREPARATION email here.

WORKOUT for Memorial Day Monday 5/30/2022


for time:
1600m run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1600m run

Partition the pullups, pushups, and squats however you like. If you have a 14/20lbs weight vest or ruck WEAR IT for Rx+! Post times to whiteboard.


I just sent this email to everyone RSVPed to tomorrow’s lone 10am class for Memorial Day MURPH. Tips, tricks, and general recommendations… Read more

Join us for YOGA with IVAN.MVMT at 10am on Zoom (via your RSVP on PushPress) to prep for tomorrow’s Memorial Day MURPH!

Remember we’ll put on the grill if you bring your own stuff to make/drink.


This coming Monday on Memorial Day we’ll be doing MURPH, as is tradition. It’s a long, challenging workout, but like everything else it can be adapted to individual needs.

Afterwards we’ll put the grill on, but you’ll be responsible for bringing whatever you want to eat and drink!

WORKOUT for Saturday 5/28/2022

in partners, for time:
100 double DB deadlifts
100 double DB lunges
100 double DB hang cleans
100 double DB s2o

You go, I go. Rx = 2×20/35/50lbs


for time:
100 DB deadlifts
100 DB lunges
100 DB hang cleans
100 DB s2o

Rx = 20/35/50lbs.

Post results to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Friday 5/27/2022


as many rounds as possible in 3:00
6 power cleans, 29/43/61kg
12 pushups
18 air squats

Rest 1:00. Repeat for 5 total cycles. Unless you plan to do MURPH this coming Monday- in which case you should try

6 deadlifts, 50/70/100kg
12 burpees
18 hanging leg raises

Post all five scores to whiteboard.


SKILLS for Thursday 5/25/2022 is PRESS/JERK (shoulder-to-overhead)

CONDITIONING for Thursday 5/26/2022

WORKOUT for Wednesday 5/25/2022

establish a heavy split jerk in 12:00, then

AMRAP in 15:00
12 deadlifts
9 hang cleans
6 push jerks

No power jerks or push presses allowed! Post jerk and score to whiteboard.


SKILLS for Tuesday 5/24/2022 is the BACK SQUAT

GYMNASTICS for Tuesday 5/24/2022 at 3:30pm

hang test, false-grip development, more SLIPS

MOBILITY for Tuesday 5/24/2022