Tag Archive for: tabata

WORKOUT for Friday 6/3/2022

tabata front lunge, 20/35/50kg
tabata burpee over barbell
tabata situps
tabata hang power cleans, 20/35/50kg
tabata burpee over barbell

Rest at least 1:00 between efforts. Post best exercise score to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Monday 2/7/2022

tabata intervals of each:
– pushups
– situps
– front squats, 20/29/43kg
– slam ball, 10/20/30lbs
– medicine ball clean, 8/14/20lbs
– bicycle kicks
– flutter kicks

1:00 rests between each exercise. Post results to whiteboard!


CONDITIONING for Tuesday 10/19/2021

READ: Would Exercising at 5am Make You a Happier Person? – The Guardian

Fresh off of joining the 1750 WOD club!

CONDITIONING for Wednesday 3/24/2021


tabata squats
tabata dips
tabata v-ups
tabata pushups
tabata burpees

Rest 1:00 between exercises. Remember: the original intention for tabata intervals is to go full effort each time you’re supposed to work, not a strategy in hitting a specific number. Especially when these exercises are all bodyweight.

Post results to your journal and/or comments!

READ: Is the Pandemic Breaking Our Backs? – The New Yorker

WORKOUT for Friday 3/27/2020

for max total reps
:20 high knees (jump rope)
:10 rest
:20 double pushup burpees
:10 rest
(repeat 4 times)

:20 mountain climbers
:10 rest
:20 1/2 pushup hold
:10 rest
(repeat 4 times)

:20 Russian twist
:10 rest
:20 hollow
:10 rest
(repeat 4 times)

:20 jumping power squats
:10 rest
:20 (weighted) wall sit
:10 rest
(repeat 4 times)

:20 goblet squats
:10 rest
:20 weighted wall sit
:10 rest
(repeat 4 times)

Rest 1:00 between sets. Post total reps completed to comments.

Same format and goal as above
a. high knee jump rope / double burpee pushups
b. knees-to-elbows / dip support
c. weighted Russian twist / L-sit
d. hang power clean, 43/29/20kg / weighted wall sit
e. front squat, 43/29/20kg / weighted wall sit

Post total reps completed to comments.

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

for time: 5k row/run/ski (10k bike)


READ: The Secret of Loaded Carries – T-Nation
WATCH: How are your desk ergonomics? All I would ask is can you adjust position frequently enough so that you’re not frozen for a workday?

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/9

tabata goblet squat, 24/16kg

AMRAP in 10:00
20 double unders
2 power snatches, 70/45kg

Post scores to whiteboard!


+ No Shirt, No Problem! – Alyssa Royse for Morning Chalk Up
+ 13 Undeniable Benefits of the SnatchBarBend

Only 9am, 10am, and 11am CrossFit classes and an 11am Barbell class today!

CrossFit WOD for Friday 7/5

tabata front squats, 43/29kg
tabata SDHP, 43/29kg

21-15-9 reps for time:
handstand pushups

Post scores and time to whiteboard!


+ The Art & Science of Tripping Up Stairs – Kottke

The squad after every single person finished!

You’ve done MURPH. Now what?

Let’s start with hydration and nutrition- you were sweating a lot during and you were sweating a lot after. You need to continue replenishing your fluids throughout the next couple of days for the muscle breakdown and rebuild process.

That said, you also need to practice good nutrition: quality carbs, quality protein, and quality fats (up your Omega-3 intake!) build quality muscle and lower the amount of junk in the system that could lead to inflammation/puffiness and soreness.

Also: keep moving! Bring the intensity down, but movement is medicine. Try the stretching routine video below!

This week: back squats, tabata front squats, double unders/burpees, snatch deadlift + hang snatch + OHS lifting complex, clean deadlift + hang clean + jerk lifting complex, “NANCY”, the FABULOUS FORTY birthday workout, CGO 18.1, and a Team work/hold workout.

Also: last chance to jump into this WEIGHTLIFTING / POWERLIFTING block ends tonight! REGISTER BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.


+ Squat Because Your Brain Needs Strong Legs – Breaking Muscle

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 5/29

back squat 5x5x75-80%

tabata front squats, 43/29kg

3 rounds for time:
50 double unders
30 burpees

Post tabata score and time to whiteboard!

“Jump, land, and stand” is our standard for the box jump, but there are handful of things to be mindful of. First, make sure there’s a “ninja landing”, where there is little to no audible impact on the box. If there’s a loud, thunderous landing then it tells us you’re sending the energy down, not up, which is the intention of the movement. Obviously, the high repetition of such a movement could lead to foot/ankle/knee/hip/back issues. Second, you’ll notice Justin lands with his hips back- this loads the large posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, and back) rather than just the ankle and knee. This skill can transfer over to your power landings in your olympic lifts. Finally resting on the top of the box allows for better rep cycling and rest management. The simple thought of not staying on the ground too long means that you’ll continue moving, improving your fitness and your workout score.

Justin jumping onto a 24″ box


The Ultimate CrossFit Nutrition Calculator: Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, and Body Fat – Tier Three Tactical

CrossFit WOD for Tasty Tuesday 5/22

1. back squat 5x5x70-75%
2. tabata front squats, 43/29kg
3. max burpee box jumps, 24/20″, in 5 minutes

Post tabata and AMRAP scores to whiteboard!

CompEx WOD

MFT #1459

Gymnastics Strength WOD

still rings and headstands


15 rounds of :30 on, :10 off
– rolling burpees
– elevated front foot split squats, L
– rolling v-ups
– elevated front foot split squats, R
– rolling pushups

4 rounds of 2 minutes on, :30 off
10 goblet cossack squats
5 turtles
10 tuck jumps
5 limbo
10 leg lifts + reverse crunch

3:00 max bench over & unders

as far as possible in 7 minutes: 10-20-30-40-50-etc of
kettlebell swinging high pulls
plate jumps

David R and Ryan B

Empty barbells aren’t usually used in workouts, but can be devastating when used in high volume work like today.


+ There Goes the Gayborhood: Seattle’s Shifting Queer Geographies – KCTS9

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 3/22

1. tabata Gymnastics-style plank
2. tabata KBS (Hard-style)
3. tabata ring row
4. tabata push press, 20/15kg
5. tabata burpees
6. tabata muscle snatch, 20/15kg
7. tabata forearm plank
8. tabata KBS (Perfectly-vertical)
9. tabata handstand
10. tabata tuck jumps
11. tabata jumping good mornings, 20/15kg
12. tabata thrusters, 20/15kg

Post total reps to whiteboard!


7 rounds
Row 250m
1 weighted rope pull
rest 1min


7 rounds
Row 250m
12 Double KB Step Ups
rest 1min