establish a 20RM back squat (shoot for about 55% of your 1RM) then
AMRAP in 3:00
3 power cleans, 29/43/61kg
6 pushups
9 air squats
Rest 1:00. Repeat for 5 total rounds. Score = Each of the full rounds completed for all five rounds (ex 22333). Compare to 2/25/2020. Post scores to whiteboard!
This week marks the first of six weeks where we will do a 20-rep back (or front) squat in Monday S&C classes. Your goal is consistency of depth and timing, adding 2-5kg each week and *never* failing a set.
Week 7 we will deload then on Week 8 we will test a 1RM in class.
“In 2013, a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, a publication of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NCSA), found that 10 weeks of CrossFit improves body composition (among other things). But it also noted that among the study subjects, 16 percent had to drop out of the study early due to injury. That was a problem for CrossFit, Inc., says Tucker Jones, owner and head coach at Ballston CrossFit and CrossFit Route 7, because it was false. Some of the ‘injured’ athletes have sworn the information was fabricated, a retraction has since been added to the study and CrossFit, Inc. was awarded monetary compensation from the NCSA for the unsubstantiated claims (which the journal’s editor is said to have added in a later draft), [but] the damage was done. The media was quick to publish stories about the injury risk and the sport became known as dangerous.”
WATCH: Kobe Bryant Memorial – Michael Jordan’s speech 22:06:272020-02-25 14:57:32Day 23: Is CrossFit As Dangerous As You Think?
This week you can look forward to NOT THE CHIEF (deadlifts, pistols, pushups), handstand pushups, a HIIT workout, more 1-1/4 front squats, push presses/power cleans, double unders/burpees/muscle-ups, pullups/pushups/squats or HSPU/pistols/pullups, You Go I Go squats and clean & jerks, and a run/wall ball/burpee/bar muscle-up chipper.
3:00 AMRAP of
3 deadlifts, 102/65kg
6 pistols
9 pushups
1:00 rest between AMRAPS. Compare to 6/9
Post score to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
snatch pull + hang snatch + snatch
snatch pull to hip + (snatch variation)
clean pull + hang clean + jerk
clean pull to hip + (clean variation)
rack jerk
Powerlifting WOD
back squats up to 85%
sumo deadlifts triples
Kettlebell WOD
## Workout
– 500m row
– Complex A
– 500m row
– Complex A
– 500m row
– Complex B
– 500m row
– Complex B
Complex A, single arm/per side
– 5 swings
– 5 snatches
– 5 windmills 18:27:272018-08-05 23:52:07Your Old/New CrossFit Games Champs are Here!
Next Wednesday, June 13 we will not have 6:30pm or 7:30pm classes (CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting classes) as we’ll be holding a Staff Meeting. The last class of the day will be 5:30pm. The gym will close promptly at 6:30pm.
(Those who wanted to do the evening OWL Wednesday program will have a chance to do it in any of that Thursday’s CrossFit classes)
Another retest of the 2018 CrossFit Games Open workouts. Look forward to 18.4 and 18.5 next week! Until then hopefully you’ve been working on your double unders and muscle-ups!
2 rounds for time of:
100 double unders
20 overhead squats, 52/36kg
100 double unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double unders
20 dumbbell snatches, 50/35lbs
100 double unders
12 bar muscle-ups
CGO 18.3 – Scaled
2 rounds for time of:
100 single unders
20 overhead squats, 20/15kg
100 single unders
12 pullups
100 single unders
20 dumbbell snatches, 35/20lbs
100 single unders
12 pullups
Compare to 09MAR2018. Post scores/times to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 2/3, Day 3/3
BtK HANG CLEAN + CLEAN 85 / 1 (2)
2 PAUSE FRONT SQUATS + 1 JERK 80 / 1 (3)
PAUSE at KNEE CLEAN PULL 105 / 2 (3)
GHR 3×8
ab-rollout 3×8
chinups 3×8
Powerlifting WOD – Week 2/3, Day 3/3
seated box jump 5 x 2 x 85%
PRESS 20kg/3, 60/3, 70/3, 80/3, 90/3+
DEADLIFT 55/5, 62.5/5, 67.5/3 (10)
bicep opener 3×5
tricep opener 3×5
tabata assault bike
CrossFit WOD for Saturday 6/9
establish a 1RM standing box jump, then
5 rounds for max total reps. 1:00 rest between AMRAPS.
3:00 AMRAP of
3 deadlifts, 102/65kg
6 pistols
9 pushups
Every Friday through March we will be retesting a CrossFit Games Open workout from the past! Also: The 2018 Intramural Open details will be out as soon as I can confirm some Team Leadership!
From 5:30am to 7pm we’ll have a BODY FAT TEST truck outside the gym. You only need 10 minutes, a swimsuit, and a reservation. There are spots left at the time of this posting:
the entire 11am hour
the entire 12pm hour, except at 12:30pm
the entire 2pm hour, except 2:30pm
the entire 3pm hour
Remember it’s only 10 minutes! Grab any of those appointments via our scheduling system ZenPlanner.
THE CHIEF is a fun interval test to see how much work you can maximize per round, but repeat for multiple times. What is your drop off like, if any? Could you add another round in to each of your cycles? Which of the three exercises hold you back? Which of the three exercises lend to your strengths? Did you time the work properly to maximize the allotted time? So many factors, but a focus on one or more could lead you to better results.