SKILLS for Tuesday 2/1/2022 is BENCH

STRETCHING for Tuesday 2/1/2022


WORKOUT for Monday 1/31/2022

2k row time trial then

3 sets of max reps/exercise:
– weighed pullups
– dumbbell bench
– bar muscle-ups
– ring pushups
– kipping pullups
– dips

Rest 1:00+ between each set for a fuller recharge. Post results to whiteboard!

READ: Your 2k Rowing Strategy – UCanRow2

Join us at 10am for YOGA on Zoom lead always by IVAN.MVMT!

RSVP via PushPress for meeting room info.

CONDITIONING for Sunday 1/30/2022

WORKOUT for Saturday 1/29/2022

AGOQ 21.5
12-9-6 reps for time:
overhead squat, 35/52/70kg
burpee box jump over, 12/20/24”

Post results to whiteboard!

WORKOUT for Friday 1/28/2022

5 back squats E2MOM x 6 then

Starting with an empty bar HANG SNATCH then add 2-5kg ever :75. Repeat until a max is established or 3 misses, then switch gears to HANG CLEANS.

Post results to whiteboard!

READ: Equipment List for the 2022 NoBull CrossFit Games Open – CrossFit Games

ALSO READ: Here’s what you can more or less expect from the 2022 Foundation Gym Intramural Open

SKILLS for Thursday 1/27/2022 is the SQUAT

CONDITIONING for Thursday 1/27/2022

SKILLS for Tuesday 1/25/2022 is the CLEAN

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 1/25/2022

Register for the 2022 CrossFit Games Open here! Then take the CrossFit Online Judges Course for your own education and better understanding of what you do in the gym.

There may be a membership incentive if both are done!

WORKOUT for Monday 1/24/2022

“CGO 18.2 & 18.2a”

1-to-10 reps for time:
dumbbell squats, 2×20/35/50lbs
bar-facing burpees

Then establish a 1RM clean in remaining time. 12-minute cap!

1st half is 1-7 so pace- go UB but don’t rush. Quick transitions. Start around 80-90% of 1RM


Join us for YOGA live at 10am on Zoom. RSVP via Zoom for meeting room details.

CONDITIONING for Sunday 1/23/2022

WORKOUT for Saturday 1/22/2022


in a teams of 4 for time:
300 pullups
400 pushups
500 situps
600 air squats

Two people may work at a time. Reps are cumulative for all team members. You must complete the exercises in the written order.

Post time to whiteboard!