Tag Archive for: team workout

SKILLS for Saturday 9/17/2022 is the SQUAT

WORKOUT for Sat 9/17


in teams of 3 or 4

4 rounds for time:
80 calorie row
40 partner deadlifts, 40/70/100kg
200m barbell carry

Only ONE rows at a time, only TWO deadlifting at a time, and ALL partners carry the boat.

Post times to whiteboard!

SKILLS for Saturday 9/3/2022 is the PRESS/PUSH PRESS/JERK

WORKOUT for Saturday 9/3/2022

YGIG AMRAP in 30:00
1 power clean
3 jerks
5 deadlifts
7 pushups

Rx = 29/43/61kg. Score = total reps completed (16/round)

READ: Army Fitness Test Competition in Belltown!


SKILLS for Saturday 7/16/2022 is PRESS/JERK

WORKOUT for Saturday 7/16

3:00 intervals of
10/15/20 calorie row
15 burpee over rower
Max KBS in remaining time

“You go, I go” each 3-minute round for 30:00

CompEx for Saturday 7/16

mobility, cardio interval warmup, clean complex, bar muscle-up/thrusters, core finisher

SKILLS for Saturday 7/2/2022 is BENCH

WORKOUT for Saturday 7/2

100-70-40 reps for time:
partner wall ball, 8/14/20lbs
alternating MB situp, 8/14/20lbs
partner deadlift, 50/70/100kg

Partner A runs 400m before the wall ball, Partner B runs 400m before the MB situp, both partners must run 400m together before the deadlifts.

Post time to whiteboard!



SKILLS for Saturday 6/18/2022 is the SNATCH

WORKOUT for Saturday 6/18

In groups of 4, for time:
75 back squats, 50 pullups, 25 shoulder-to-overhead (30/45/70kg)
75 front squats, 50 pullups, 25 shoulder-to-overhead (25/35/60kg)
75 overhead squats, 50 toes-to-bar, 25 shoulder-to-overhead (20/25/50kg)
75 hang cleans, 50 toes-to-bar, 25 shoulder-to-overhead (15/20/40kg

Only one athlete (two if team of four) working at a time and the barbell cannot touch the ground otherwise cash out a team set of 20 burpees per violation.

Post score to whiteboard.

WATCH: This workout from a DECADE ago at what was essentially Semifinals for the CrossFit Games

PARTNER WORKOUT for Saturday 6/11/2022

for time:
100 calorie row
80 wall ball, 8/14/20lbs
60 MB situps, 8/14/20lbs
40 box jump overs, 12/20/24″
20 muscle-ups

You and your partner must alternate every rep (except on the rower where you’ll alternate every 10 calories). Post time to whiteboard!


PARTNER WORKOUT for Saturday 5/21/2022

for time:
100 med ball lunges (handstand)
80 calories (double kettlebell rack)
60 toes-to-bar (elevated plank)
40 HSPU (mixed-grip hang holding med ball)
60 box jump overs, 12/16/20″ (alternating)
80 slam ball (v-sit)
100 clap down-ups

Post time to whiteboard!


Although we’re still going to program team options on Saturdays, you can always opt-out and do an individual version!

WORKOUT for Saturday 1/8/2022

(Team) “JENNY”

AMRAP in 30:00
20 overhead squats, 20kg
20 back squats, 20kg
400m run

YGIG for as many squats as possible.

If alone then 1:1 work:rest per round for the 30:00. Post total reps to whiteboard!


SKILLS for Saturday 12/11/2021 is BENCH PRESS

TEAM WORKOUT for Saturday 12/11/2021

20 rounds for time:
15 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
3 jerks, 50/70kg

Partners alternate rounds (so each does 10 rounds total). Post team and times to whiteboard!

A number of coaches will be on vacation this week so here are all the workouts!


+ The Science & Application of Barefoot Strength Training – Dr. John Rusin

CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/23

tabata ring row

5 rounds for time:
15 thrusters, 43/35kg
400m run

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/24

Every 4 mins for 16 minutes:
20 calorie row
20 alternating dumbbell snatch, 50/35lbs

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 7/25

EMOM for 5 minutes:
5 toes-to-bar
5 burpees

EMOM for 5 minutes:
5 box jumps
5 ring dips

EMOM for 5 minutes:
5 pullups
5 jump tucks

EMOM for 5 minutes:
10 double kettlebell/dumbbell front squats

EMOM for 5 minutes:
10 burpee box jump overs, 24/20″

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 7/26

tabata ring rows

21-15-9 reps for time:
overhead squats, 43/29kg
handstand pushups

CrossFit WOD for Friday 7/27


10-to-1 reps for time:
deadlift, 1.5x bodyweight
bench press, 1x bodyweight
(squat) clean, .75x bodyweight

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 7/28

in teams of two, for time:
200 pushups
200 box jumps (and step downs)
200 lunges
200 situps

*One athlete works while other hangs from pullup rig

– THEN –

100 burpees. One athlete works while other rests.

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 7/29

tabata handstand

3 rounds for time:
400m medicine ball run, 20/14lbs
50 wall ball, 20/14lbs to 10/9′