SKILLS for Tuesday 7/26/2022 is the DEADLIFT
Gymnastics for Tues 7/26
still rings, handstand shaping, headstands, handstand walking, core
CONDITIONING for Tues 7/26
SKILLS for Tuesday 7/26/2022 is the DEADLIFT
Gymnastics for Tues 7/26
still rings, handstand shaping, headstands, handstand walking, core
CONDITIONING for Tues 7/26
WORKOUT for Friday 10/1/2021
hip extensions/reverse hypers, dips, and the bicep opener compex
every 2 minutes on the minute x 5 sets:
snatch + 2 overhead squats
5-6 rounds:
35/50 calorie row
3-4 (full) snatch, 80%+
2:00 rest
Post results to your journal!
READ: Running For Beginners: A Guide to Building Confidence & Keeping Routine – BOX ROX
CONDITIONING for Saturday 8/29/2020
READ: The Hidden Queer History Behind “A League of Their Own” – Narratively
Watch Coach Dave as he teaches how to break down a chicken LIVE on Instagram on Sunday morning at 10am on the @foundationcrossfit feed.
for time:
30′ suitcase lunge, R
30′ suitcase lunge, L
1600m run
30′ suitcase lunge, R
30′ suitcase lunge, L
800m run
30′ suitcase lunge, R
30′ suitcase lunge, L
400m run
Wear a 20/14lbs vest or pack if you can! Post times to comments.
GO OUTSIDE, and respect social distancing. 10/9′ at minimum. That’s your wall ball distance!
HSPU Strength Ladder: EMOMx3 of 1-2-1
READ: The Stranger’s Take-Out and Delivery Restaurant List – The Stranger
WATCH: Gut Health = HEALTH.
Let’s be honest about the current state of affairs.
The coronavirus COVID-19 is real and will be in the news for a long time coming. Understanding this, we are doing our best to mitigate risks, and we are very aware of the necessary escalations that the state of Washington is implementing. We don’t expect anything extreme enough to happen to force us to close, but here’s our plan to maintain the health and wellness of our community:
What We Are Doing
We’ve refreshed all spray bottles with a Clorox Bleach solution to disinfect your equipment and things you’ve touched while you’re here. Our coaches and staff are also putting in extra duty to disinfect the gym during our non-class hours. If you have an allergy please be mindful of this. Once we are able to procure non-bleach disinfectants, we will make that switch.
Programming has been adjusted to limit how many pieces of equipment required for a workout. We’re able to limit transmission by reducing the amount of things you’re touching in your workouts. Don’t worry, we’re also making sure that it’s still fun and useful and stimulating.
We have more contingencies planned if this all gets worse, but our ultimate goal is to keep our membership safe while allowing them a place to maintain their health and fitness.
What You Can Do
I’ve made an workout BINGO sheet you can do at home our outside (because FCF loves bingo!) that will be up on the blog tomorrow (or in the gym on paper on Saturday).
In the meantime you can try our HellaFit classes on YouTube!
Every :90 perform a lift successfully then add 1-5kg.
– Start with an empty barbell and snatch for as long as possible.
– Once you cannot snatch the weight, clean for as long as possible.
– Once you cannot clean the weight, deadlift for as long as possible.
3-miss limit on each lift. Share heaviest load for the snatch, clean and deadlift to whiteboard.
READ: Staying Over the Bar in the Snatch & Clean: What, Why, How by Greg Everett – Catalyst Athletics
WATCH: Watch the technique of these incredible Chinese lifters!
CrossFit WOD for Friday 3/6/2020
AMRAP in 15:00
25 calories
20 toes-to-bar
15 close-grip pushups
rest 5:00 then
AMRAP in 15:00
15 pogo burpees
5 (strict) HSPU
1 (legless) rope climb
Share both scores to whiteboard.
READ: We Can Still Avoid the Worst-Case Scenario – The Atlantic
EMOM x 21:00
a. 200m run/250m row
b. 10 box jump overs
c. 10 pull-ups
Challenge yourself with higher boxes but complete the work every interval!
Share attendance to whiteboard. Post workout is lower leg rollout and lat foam rolling.
READ: Zion Williamson Is More Than a Walking Mixtape – The New Yorker
Have you ever tested your fitness in competition?
back squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1, then
Start with an empty bar and press every minute on the minute, immediately adding 1-5kg after each successful lift.
Post loads to whiteboard!
READ: Top 8 Things I Learned From My First Weightlifting Competition – Nick Hetzler
WATCH: Are Your Shoulders Limiting Your Squatting Power?
Here’s your new challenge for this week. Regular barbell DIANE next Wednesday.
21-15-9 reps for time:
two-in-hand kettlebell deadlifts, 2×48/32kg
strict handstand pushups
Post time to whiteboard.
+ PrEP Made HIV Prevention Easier- And Now It’s Getting Even Easier – WIRED
+ After Legalizing Marijuana, Colorado Saw ‘Significant Decrease’ In
Monday 12/10
work up to a heavy snatch, then
9-7-5 reps for time:
ring muscle-ups
(squat) snatches, 61/43kg
Post time to whiteboard.
Tuesday 12/11
work up to a heavy set of 1 clean + 2 jerks, then
3 rounds for time:
500m row
50 double unders
25 unbroken wall ball, 20/14#
500m row
50 unbroken DU
25 unbroken wall ball, 30/20#
Row at your 2k average so you can go unbroken elsewhere! Post time to whiteboard.
Wednesday 12/12
for time:
1600m run
40 pullups
40 pushups
1200m run
30 pullups
30 pushups
800m run
20 pullups
20 pushups
400m run
10 pullups
10 pushups
*40 minute time cap. Break up into manageable sets and don’t burn out too quick. Post time to whiteboard.
Thursday 12/13
deadlift 4×7 at 60-70% of 1RM, then
5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks
Rx = 70/48kg. Game plan your reps: do 11 deadlifts, drop and breath, then the 12th deadlift starts the HPC. Same concept with HPC into jerks. Post time to whiteboard.
Friday 12/14
back squat 5-5-4-4-2-2-1-1-1, then
21-15-9 reps for time:
thrusters, 42/29kg
Go all out and meet the goal of going sub-5:00. Post time to whiteboard.
Saturday 12/15
find a heavy set of a 3-rep bench press in 20 minutes, then
AMRAP in 4 min:
400m run
max air squats
AMRAP in 4 min:
400m run
max alternating dumbbell snatches, 50/35#
AMRAP in 4 min:
400m run
max burpees
The workout today is about INTENSITY. The run should be at 85-90% pace and as soon as you return start repping out the exercise. REST WHEN YOU’RE DONE. Score = squats + snatches + burpees. Post score to whiteboard.
Sunday 12/16
every 90 seconds for 39 minutes: 1 snatch
– Start with 40% 1RM snatch
– Add 2-5kg each minute
– Once an athlete fails 3 times, move onto clean & jerks.
– Once an athlete fails 3 C&J, move onto deadlifts
Retest of 11/27. Can you perform better? Post loads to whiteboard. Post time to whiteboard.
+ Mark Your Calendars: 2019 CrossFit Open Dates Announced – Morning Chalk Up
+ New Discovery May Soon Allow You to Eat Whatever You Want Without Gaining Weight – Forbes
Mailing Address
1122 E Pike St. #1385
Seattle, WA 98122
Physical Address
1415 12th Ave
Seattle, WA, 98122