Tag Archive for: DIANE

WORKOUT for Friday 9/23/2022


21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlifts, 43/61/102kg
handstand pushups



3 rounds for time:
15 deadlifts, 60/90/120kg

Post time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Fri 9/23

20 minute AMRAP
30 skiier single unders
20 banded march
30 mountain climbers
20 crossover single unders

2-3 prowler push+pull each round.


25-20-15-10-5 reps of
banded hammer curls
DB lateral raises

for time:
15 muscle-ups
15 (strict) chest-to-bar pullups
15 narrow chinups
15 wide-grip pullups
15 archer pullups

50 Viper presses

READ: “DIANE” on WODwell

WORKOUT for Friday 12/3/2021


21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlift, 65/102kg
(strict) HSPU

Post time to whiteboard!


The pointed-toe curtsy lunge is a nice way to scale-up your lunges, and a nice progression to eventually build enough single-leg strength for things like pistols.

WORKOUT for Saturday 9/18/2021

Movement patterns


9-15-21-27 reps for time:
deadlift, 65/104kg
handstand pushups

Post time to whiteboard! Then we’ll STRETCH as a group so you can enjoy your weekend.

WATCH: Where do you fall in the following progressions for the pistol?

It’s a repeat!

CrossFit WOD for Friday 10/25

CGO 20.3 aka CGO 18.4 – Rx

for time:
deadlift, 102/70kg
– then –
21-15-9 deadlift, 143/93kg
50′ handstand walk

CGO 20.3 aka CGO 18.4 – Scaled

for time:
deadlift, 61/43kg
hand-release pushup
– then –
21-15-9 deadlift, 83/61kg
50′ bear crawl

Yes, that terrible handstand pushup standard is back. Time cap is 9:00. Post score/time to whiteboard!


CrossFit WOD for Saturday 10/26

You Go, I Go!
AMRAP in 5:00 of
3 power cleans, 61/43kg
6 burpees
9 air squats

Rest 1:00 then repeat for a total of 5 cycles for max total reps. Athlete A does 3 power cleans, Athlete B does 6 burpees, Athlete A does 9 air squats, Athlete B does 3 power cleans, etc.

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 10/27

50-35-20 reps for time:
wall ball, 20/14lbs to 10/9′
double unders
kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

READ: CGO 20.3 Official Scorecard – CrossFit
WATCH: 20.3 Beginner & Intermediate Strategy – Invictus

ALSO WATCH: 20.3 Strategy, Tips, and Advice for HSPU, HS Walking & Deadlifts – Invictus

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday, August 7th

21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlift, 102/70kg
handstand pushups

Post time to whiteboard.

Run Club, 6:30pm

We will meet at the bottom of the ramp, jog over to the track and do a team warmup.

2 rounds
2x400m, :45 rest b/t
3:00 rest

8x100m, :10 rest b/t
3:00 rest

2x400m, :45 rest b/t

Pacing: For the 400’s add :45 to your Mile PR Pace then divide by 4. Example: if mile PR is 6:15 my pace for the 400’s today should be 1:45 (6:15+:45=7:00, 7:00/4=1:45). The 100s should be fast, but not a full-on sprint. Take a calculated risk and see if you can push it keeping in mind you have two 400m as a finale. The 100s are the focus of the workout today.


+ Ch 1: How Under Armour Is Helping James Newbury Prep, Train, and Recover – BarBend
+ Get To Know Maxwell’s Equations- You’re Using Them Right Now – WIRED

Here’s your new challenge for this week. Regular barbell DIANE next Wednesday.

CrossFit WOD for July 31st


21-15-9 reps for time:
two-in-hand kettlebell deadlifts, 2×48/32kg
strict handstand pushups

Post time to whiteboard.


+ PrEP Made HIV Prevention Easier- And Now It’s Getting Even Easier – WIRED
+ After Legalizing Marijuana, Colorado Saw ‘Significant Decrease’ In Opiod Prescriptions – Marijana Moment

TBT to when we could watch you during your 400m runs

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 7/11

21-15-9 reps for time:
squat clean, 70/45kg

Post time to whiteboard!


+ Why You Can’t Release Your Tight Psoas Muscle with Stretching – Somatic Movement Center
+ Supplements and Diets for Heart Health Show Limited Proof of Benefit – The New York Times


+ Strike-Mvmnt Pace Review – As Many Reviews As Possible
+ The Pace – Strike-Mvmnt

CrossFit WOD for Friday 3/16

CGO 18.4 Rx

21-15-9 reps of
deadlift, 102/70kg
handstand pushups


21 deadlifts, 143/93kg
50′ handstand walk
15 deadlifts, 143/93kg
50′ handstand walk
9 deadlifts, 143/93kg
50′ handstand walk

CGO 18.4 Scaled

21-15-9 reps of
deadlift, 61/43kg
hand-release pushups


21 deadlifts, 83/61kg
50′ bear crawl
15 deadlifts, 83/61kg
50′ bear crawl
9 deadlifts, 83/61kg
50′ bear crawl

9:00 cap for both parts. Post score/time to whiteboard.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

hang clean + clean + jerk

Powerlifting WOD

back squat
power clean

Gymnastics Strength WOD

handstand pushup and handstand walking development

Kettlebell WOD

Simple & Sinister

Banded Sumo Deadlift 2×10 @ 50-55% of 1RM
– Focus is on speed with explosive hips
– Rest 30-45 seconds between sets

Throwback Thursday: Open Season at CrossFit SLU


+ Late Sleepers Are Tired of Being Discriminated Against. And Science Has Their Back – Vox

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 3/15


21-15-9 rounds for time:
deadlift, 102/65kg
handstand pushups

Post time to whiteboard!

You choose. Originally we were doing the deadlift/step-up workout on Saturday, but we’ve changed it to the “Memorial For Daniel” team workout, in honor of Officer Daniel McCartney who was also a coach at CrossFit Yelm. You can read more about what happened in the link below.


+ Pierce County Deputy Shot After Responding to a Burglary – Kiro 7

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 1/18

3 rounds for time:
deadlift, 102/65kg


9-15-21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlift, 80/55kg
step-ups, 24/20″


Tempo / Time Trial

Double Under practice
– then –
Focus on good standards and form
3 rds
10 Wall Balls
10 Box Jumps
5 Pull Ups


Amrap 20 min
1 gym length bear crawl
1 gym length reverse bear crawl
1 gym length broad jump
1 gym length lunge
1 gym length crab crawl
AB 20 calories