If you plan to workout during the Holiday break remember to RSVP for classes! Thursday and Friday we’ll have 9am, 10am, and 11am. Saturday and Sunday will be normally scheduled.
CompEx gets a very special session at 7am on Thursday!
CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 11/27
back squat 50/5, 65/5, 75/5, 85/5+
AMRAP in 20:00 2500/2000m row then AMRAP in the remaining time of – 6 pullups – 12 toes-to-bar – 24 lunges
Post score to whiteboard!
READ: The Zen of Weightlifting – NY Times (via Greg) WATCH: Cues and What They Mean by Juggernaut Training System
http://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.png00Andrewhttp://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.pngAndrew2019-11-26 20:36:382019-11-26 20:36:44Break Time
http://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.png00Andrewhttp://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.pngAndrew2019-11-25 22:00:192019-11-26 10:25:25Muscling Up
If you’ve been an FCF athlete for a couple of years now you may remember our PULLUP STRENGTH LADDER. We’ll do it with an added twist and treat it as an EMOM to make sure there’s adequate rest for recovery for you and to give coaches time to cue and correct movement. The plan is to run this twice, hopefully with you advancing a level at least once!
We’ll do this work in class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. You can check in on the prescribed work on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays and do this on your own on with a swole mate. You can feel free to just drop into the gym in your street clothes and get this completed if you can’t do it elsewhere. Doors work well for pullups too!
Today’s work load: 3(1-2-1).
This means we’ll do 1 pullup, drop and shake it out, 2 pullups, drop, and then 1 pullup. Repeat for a total of 3 sets (0:00 is the first, 1:00 is the second, 2:00 is the third). Done.
CrossFit WOD for Monday 11/25
JT+ 21-15-9 reps for time: handstand pushups hand-release pushups ring dips
then every 2:00 for 10:00 do 3 hang cleans. Post time to whiteboard.
LISTEN: OMG, GMOs! – Science Rules with Bill Nye WATCH: Look out for training shoe deals this weekend. Need help making a choice?
I know that you’re thinking ahead like us, so just to let you know what’s happening Thanksgiving weekend, we’re running Holiday Hours: 9am, 10am, and 11am CrossFit classes only. No specialty classes and no Guided Training due to staff availability.
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 11/21
FIGHT GONE BAD 3 rounds for max total reps: 1:00 wall ball, 20lbs to 10’/14lbs to 9′ 1:00 kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull, 32/24kg 1:00 box jump, 24/20″ 1:00 push press, 35/25kg 1:00 calorie row 1:00 rest
http://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.png00Andrewhttp://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.pngAndrew2019-11-19 20:20:002019-11-20 05:42:08Cookeville and CrossFit
On Tuesdays through the remainder of the year we will continue working on our strict muscle-up development. For some athletes strength will be tested. For other it will be flexibility or technique, the order of operations. For those with proper strict ring muscle-ups it’ll be EMOMs to develop your capacity for volume.
CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 11/19
for time: 200 double unders 100 wall ball, 20/14lbs to 10/9′ 50 clean & jerks, 50/35kg 25 burpee toes-to-bar
EMOMs are one of the many protocols utilized fairly often in the CrossFit affiliate world. This previous Friday we used it simply as a timing tool to gradually increase load and intensity.
The main purpose of its normal usage is to test or challenge an athlete’s capacity of work, depending on the movement and loading. Generally the gym’s programming has an expectation to be met, but as always it can be scalable to every body.
Today’s workout would see an athlete completing 5 one-arm overhead squats with a single dumbbell or kettlebell per side with :10-:20 of rest before completing 15 perfect (no bend in the posture from head to toes) pushups.
CrossFit WOD for Monday 11/18
EMOM for 15:00
a. 5 one-arm OHS/side
b. 15 perfect pushups
c. 10 (strict) pullups
Then a 500m row time trial. Post time to whiteboard!
BARBELL CLUB – 6am/11am/5:30pm/6:30pm
What a weekend with all the Masters athletes who competed!
Olympic Weightlifting: Weights go up, tempo disappears. Powerlifting: the penultimate week playing with Conjugate!
http://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.png00Andrewhttp://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.pngAndrew2019-11-17 21:51:542019-11-17 21:51:58Every Minute On the Minute
We have a number of athletes competing in SeaTac this weekend at the Howard Cohen American Masters Weightlifting Meet. Come support in person of watch online!