Front squat should be around 70/50/30kg if you are fully equipped. If “heavy and awkward” is not an option double the reps to 80.
READ: Seattle Station Says It Won’t Carry Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings – Deadline WATCH: Pulling and back exercises are part of the home exercise diet that seem to disappear, especially if you have no/limited equipment. This is why you’re prescribed so many hanging exercises in the gym: both barbell and pullup bars.
We prefer to see the shoulder blades move together towards the spine at the top of the pullup for better muscular recruitment and efficiency. The smaller muscles of the arms fatigue quickly so if your sets are small ask yourself “AM I PINCHING MY SCAPS TOGETHER?!”
Tonight we are waxing snowboards and skis at 7:30pm. You don’t have to wax, ski, or snowboard if you just want to hang out. Bring your own beverages and we’ll tune our snow gear just in time for the snow dump this weekend!
CrossFit WOD for Wax-Your-Board Friday 1/10
7 rounds for time: 30 box jumps, 12/8/4″ max (strict) pullups
Post-workout is both straight-leg and bent-leg calf stretching for less than :90/side. Then SMR your lower leg starting at the achilles and slowly moving up.
Vitamin D is important for good overall health and strong and healthy bones. It’s also an important factor in making sure your muscles, heart, lungs and brain work well and that your body can fight infection.
The vitamin D that you get in your skin from sunlight, and the vitamin D from supplements, has to be changed by your body a number of times before it can be used. Once it’s ready, your body uses it to manage the amount of calcium in your blood, bones and gut and to help cells all over your body to communicate properly.
Vitamin D isn’t like most other vitamins. Your body can make its own vitamin D when you expose your skin to sunlight. But your body can’t make other vitamins. You need to get other vitamins from the foods you eat. For example, you need to get vitamin C from fruits and vegetables.
Also what makes vitamin D unique compared to other vitamins, is that when your body gets its vitamin D, it turns vitamin D into a hormone. This hormone is sometimes called “activated vitamin D” or “calcitriol.”
Some of the functions of the body that vitamin D helps with include:
– Immune system, which helps you to fight infection
– Muscle function
– Cardiovascular function, for a healthy heart and circulation
– Respiratory system –for healthy lungs and airways
– Brain development
– Anti-cancer effects
As Washingtonians we get plenty of clouds, but not as much sun as we’d like. It has been recommended that healthy adults take 2000 IU of Vitamin D daily– most supplements contain that in a single pill. They suggest taking more if you don’t get as much sun. I do! 20:36:102018-06-27 22:09:44VitD, ISAGRACE, and Paleo Mayo
as many reps as possible in 20 minutes:
4 (full) snatch, 70/45kg
12 toes-to-bar
12/8 calories
Workout execution: Partner A does 4 snatches, then Partner B does 4 snatches, then A completes 12 t2b, then B completes 12 t2b, then A finishes 12/8 calories, then B finishes 12/8 calories… repeat for 20:00!
Odd-objects like heavy medicine balls and sandbags are the best/worst for simple workouts. Today you’ll run or walk a mile for time. All it takes is raw determination to finish.