10:20:452018-10-29 17:26:20Foundation Barbell at the 2018 Armor Open
5 rounds for time:
200m run
35 double unders
15 overhead squats, 43/29kg
Post time to whiteboard!
Tuesday 10/30
3 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 max handstand pushups
1:00 max broad jumps, 6/4′
1:00 max rope pulls, weighted
1:00 max calorie row/ski/air bike
1:00 max double kettlebell deadlifts
1:00 rest
AMRAP in 16:00
200m run
16 knees-to-elbows
200m run
2/1 rope climb
200m run
16 dumbbell snatch, 50/35#
Post score to whiteboard.
Friday 11/2
CGO 12.2
AMRAP in 10:00
30 snatches, 34/20kg
30 snatches, 61/34kg
30 snatches, 75/45kg
max snatches, 95/55kg
Snatch technique day and a retest of another old CrossFit Games Open event. Scaled division wasn’t around then, but we will use the Masters’ numbers: 20/15kg, 34/25kg, 45/34kg, 54/41kg
Post score to whiteboard!
Saturday 11/3
AMRAP in 40:00
A) 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats
B) holds double kettlebell rack
Post score to whiteboard!
Sunday 11/4
4 rounds for time:
400m medicine ball run, 20/14#
25 wall ball, 20/14# 12:50:512018-10-29 05:51:44Week of 10/29 to 11/4
This photo is from October 12th, 2008 at FCF 1.0 when Tony and I were both about 135lbs and cherry-picking all the bodyweight CrossFit workouts.
Also Dave took 3rd Place at the Brute vs Beauty Beatdown 2018 at CrossFit Chateau!
Going to try something new this week. Feedback is appreciated! Remember: whatever is on the whiteboard on the gym is the FINAL version of the workout of the day.
Do bigger sets, but try to use weights that you cannot do more than sets of 10 in unless at Rx loading. Be smart and prepare your hands for this work, whether shaving your calluses down or wearing protective wraps/tape/gloves/etc.
Post time to comments!
Tuesday 10/23
21-15-9-15-21 reps for time:
power snatch, 34/25kg
overhead squats, 34/25kg
* 35 double unders after each set
Be able to get into a groove with proper mechanics with high-cycling. Snatches are power dependent, OHS are mobility and stability dependent. High-skill cardio between rounds for practice.
Post time to whiteboard!
Wednesday 10/24
6 rounds for time:
10 front squats, 102/70kg
24 American kettlebell swings, 32/24kg
14 burpee box jump overs, 24/20″
It’s been four years since tragedy struck on the Marysville-Plichuck High School campus and we run this workout to remember the lives lost and to bring awareness for continued emotional support to the students and staff at MPHS. This is going to be hard.
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
400m run
8 dumbbell front lunges, 2×50/35lbs
12 bar muscle-ups
A classic cardio/weightlifting/bodyweight combo, today is about the muscle-up ability under fatigue. Scaled athletes will work on their respective pulling exercises. Push the pace hard on the run and lunges, then figure out how to further your capacity with the pulling at the end of each round.
If you happened to miss Thursday, you still have a chance at muscle-up practice here. Bar and ring muscle-ups are cool. Also like last week this will be a great retest for those who were here 7 years ago (!!!) and haven’t retested this workout since.
10 rounds (5 rounds each athlete)
10 power snatch, 34/20kg
10 air squats
Another Saturday, another Team workout. Do your hips have stamina? Let’s find out.
Post team and both times to whiteboard!
Sunday 10/28
every 3:00 for 21:00 (7 rounds)
7 pullups
7 weighted step-ups
7 pushups
– then –
tabata hollow rock
Interval work and midline burner dessert. Mmmm. Upper body and lower body will be taxed. Hold the weights however you see fit: farmers, rack, goblet, overhead, or some other way.
Post attendance to whiteboard!
Today we start the last blocks of the year- the next four weeks are dedicated to testing and improving your strength levels before we take a break until the new year.
I think the Reebok CrossFit Speed TR is the best “budget CrossFit shoe” out there for feet similar to mine. Check out AsManyReviewsAsPossible’s review video above if you haven’t already.
For those who tried mine at the gym the other day:
This is great at-home (or office) option for in bringing circulation and nerve stimulation to specific areas (just lay or stand on it for five minutes then take a walk- it’s so good!). I first heard about it from Tim Ferris and was hooked after I tried it.
Face it, gym gear gets nasty. Use these in your shoes, your gym bag, and your cubby at the gym if you have one (if you don’t have one, sign up on the clipboard in the back there!) 17:58:422018-10-24 16:05:22Week of 10/22 through 10/28
Even though we had beautiful weather this past weekend, it’s going to turn gloomy at any moment. Be prepared for the cold and all the things that come with it in this week’s recs!
Getting sniffly? Need some nasal relief? Actually caught a cold? We need to open up and clean those nasal passages because we all take breathing well for granted. Enter saline solutions.
I used to use these packets and the bottle it came with while showering. Felt fantastic after.
Since becoming a father I’ve taken more of these bottles for personal use more than I would like to admit!
I’m pretty sure I’ve shared this before, but I was asked again on two separate occasions this past week. “How do you keep your shoes so clean?”
1. I don’t- I just clean them up after.
2. I have enough shoes for a descent rotation.
While you probably don’t like owning so many shoes, it’s nice to be able to protect them, especially in the elements:
If you absolutely can’t, cleaning them up is pretty easy with this cleaner: 17:06:322018-10-21 16:15:10Week of 10/15 Through 10/21
+ 10/27 – Armor Open Weightlifting Meet at Armor Athletics, Tacoma
+ 11/17 – OUTwod Power of Pride Seattle, sponsored by Foundation CrossFit/Rocket CrossFit/CrossFit Loft/FUELhouse Gym at FUELhouse
The weather is colder and you need to be responsible for your own nutrition. Enter THE INSTANT POT! Usually runs for about $100 so $20 off is nice.
This has replaced our slow cooker and rice cooker in our home. PLUS it does so many other things! Kalua pig/pulled pork in a handful of hours (vs an all-day cook), spaghetti squash from cut to plate in 10 minutes, and you can make cheesecakes?!
These are the must-have accessories I’d recommend too:
1. Steamer Basket: for veggies and eggs!
2. Utensils: I cook with OXO silicone for everything.
3. Red Hawaiian Sea Salt: my absolute favorite (and most frequent go-to recipe) is Nom Nom Paleo’s Kalua Pig because the recipe is so simple, but you absolutely need this salt for the right flavor.
Don’t forget to add plenty of veggies! I usually play cabbage and carrots in the recipe at the end. 19:22:102018-10-08 00:51:02Week of 10/8 to 10/14