Tag Archive for: CINDY

SKILLS for Tuesday 10/18/2022 is the DEADLIFT

CompEx for Tues 10/18

shoulder prehab, heaving snatch balances, snatch complexes, handstand pushup density tests

AMRAP in 10:00
5 power snatch
10 deadlift
15 toes-to-bar

GYMNASTICS for Tues 10/18

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 hang: pullup, ring row, knees-to-elbows, toes-to-bar, muscle-up, glide kip, etc
10 push: pushup, handstand pushup, freestanding handstand pushup, wall walk, etc
15 squat: air squat, single leg squat, box jump, box jump over, clear over, front scale to back scale, etc

MOBILITY for Tues 10/18

WORKOUT for Friday 12/10/2021

AMRAP in 20:00
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats


AMRAP in 20:00
10 pistols
15 pullups

Post scores (total reps completed) to whiteboard!

RECOMMENDATION: Don’t have a weightlifting belt? Try one of these Element26 belts- it basically functions like the super popular 2Pood belts at a fraction of the cost.

Check your inbox for the “COVID-19 4TH UPDATE” email! It’s got tons of info on how we plan to continue providing you with the good stuff.

We’re going to hit you with three follow-along workouts every Monday through Friday. We’ll go live once a day on Saturdays and Sundays.

WORKOUT for Monday 3/23/2020

7am: Live on Zoom (RSVP via ZenPlanner for meeting address)
12pm: Instagram Live on mobile!
6pm: Live on INSTAGRAM LIVE and Zoom (RSVP via ZenPlanner for meeting address)

AMRAP in 20:00
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats


AMRAP in 20:00
5 handstand pushups
10 alternating single-leg squats
15 pullups

Share rounds completed (and any extra reps) to comments!

Modify and/or scale the pullups depending on your equipment situation. Got a band, kettlebells, or dumbbells? Do some bent-over rows or seated rows! If going for HSPU don’t kick a hole into your drywall.

2nd Serving: Strength

AMRAP in 9:00 of
15 band press
15 band overhead tri ext
15 band bent over row
15 band reverse curl

READ: A Fiasco In the Making? – STAT


We’re continuing our BENCHMARK-VOLUME WEEK with a loaded variation of a classic benchmark.

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 2/27/2020

AMRAP in 20:00
  5 weighted pull-ups
  10 push-ups with feet on a box
  15 squats holding a plate

Rx = 35/25/15lbs pullups, 24/20/16″ box, 20/10/5kg plate. Share score to whiteboard.

READ: One Thing You Gets 100% Right: Juice Cleanses Are Bad – The Mary Sue
WATCH: “CINDY” Strategy and Tips from WODprep

Varsha doing dumbbell step-ups

Let’s see if all these weighted step-ups transfer to single-leg squats!

CrossFit WOD for Friday 12/6

strict (chest-to-bar) pullups
every 2:00 x 2 (1-2-3-2-1)

AMRAP in 10:00
4 side-to-side pullups
6 side-to-side plyo pushups
12 alternating weighted pistols, 15/10/5kg

Post score to whiteboard.

READ: CrossFit VS the National Strength & Conditioning Association: Judge Orders Terminating and Massive Monetary Sanctions Against the NSCA – CrossFit
WATCH: Coming Back From Injury

From 20.1’s Friday Night Lights

The CrossFit methodology is simple: constantly varied, functional movement executed at a relatively high intensity.

Today we’ll talk about the importance of variance. The basic understanding is that you exercise to achieve certain goals: it could be losing bodyweight, gaining strength, increasing flexibility, preparing for specific sport or activity, and execute activities of daily life without issue. To achieve these goals we need to understand what stimuli illicits the proper and favorable response. Rather than putting that responsiblity on you, we simply test you a handful of ways every day.

Each workout is meant to illicit a certain response: do you have cardio? Long-lasting stamina? Are you coordinated and flexible enough to do an overhead squat? How about 15 in a row? Which sets of combinations do you excel at? Which ones do you fail at? Phyiscally/mentally/emotionally- it all matters because we get to find the holes in your ‘fitness armor’… and guess what makes you more capable at taking life’s beatings?

Could you help me move a 400lbs couch this Saturday up four flights of stairs?

We want you to be able to say YES to life and that means not being picky about the multitude of ways you train. Many of you who are active enough (4-6x/week in or out of the gym) are probably exposed to a variation of physical challenges to truly change your body when coupled with solid nutrition and lifestyle habits. If not, don’t fret- we just have to be more realistic about your goals and expectations.

Show up when you like the workout. Show up when you don’t. Put in the effort and you’ll achieve more than you think!

CrossFit WOD for Monday 10/21

as many reps as possible in 20:00
5 chest-to-bar pullups
10 hand-release pushups
15 medicine ball cleans, 20/14/8lbs

Post total reps completed to whiteboard!


This week we 1-rep maxes in Powerlifting! Test out your back squat, bench, and possibly deadlift this week in classes. Olympic Weightlifting will find themselves testing snatch and clean & jerk doubles, while finding a rep-max of pretty high-percentage squats.

*READ: What Is Fitness by Greg Glassman – CrossFit Journal
ALSO READ: Prilepin’s Chart – 70’s Big
WATCH: 20.2 Mat Fraser & Patrick Vellner in Miami – Buttery Bros

Recover and stretch after your 20.1 performance. Redemption Sunday for those retesting! Bring your own judge!

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 10/12

You Go, I Go AMRAP in 40:00:
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 squats


You Go, I Go AMRAP in 40:00
10 hspu
20 single leg squats
30 pullups

Athletes will alternate lines of each workout: Athlete A does 10 pullups, Athlete B does 20 pushups, Athlete A does 30 squats, Athlete B does 10 pullups, Athlete A does 20 pushups, etc. Continue until time is complete! Post score to whiteboard.

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 10/13

every 3:00 for 24:00
200m run
250/200m row
35 double unders


establish a 1RM front squat

Post squat to whiteboard!

WATCH: Annie Thorisdottir’s 20.1
WATCH THIS TOO : Recovery 20.1 – The Active Life

OUTwod Seattle 2019 WOD SQUAD


Monday 6/24

push press 3-rep, then

EMOM for 20:00
4 strict pullup/ring row
8 wide-grip T-pushups
12 Cossack squats

Tuesday 6/25

every 2:30 for 40:00:
a. 400m run
b. 80 double unders
c. 500m row
d. 50 med ball throws, 10/8lbs

Wednesday 6/26

EMOM for 30:00
1 snatch or clean & jerk at 70% of 1RM

Thursday 6/27

EMOM for 16:00
2 back squats, 102/65kg

EMOM for 16:00
a. 50′ farmer’s walk, 2x32kg
b. :30 wall sit

Friday 6/28

EMOM for 30:00
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

If you are caught by the minute, drop the reps down: 4/8/12, 3/6/9, 2/4/8, etc.

Saturday 6/29

100-80-60-40-20 reps for time:
partner wall ball, 20/14lbs
partner med ball situp

Sunday 6/30


We have kettlebells and light barbells to carry, sleds to drag, and more if you really want to workout!

11:30am-12:30pm Staging for the parade on 4th between Marion & Columbia. We walk through downtown to Seattle Center.


+ Baby Got Back (Pain) with Kelly Starrett – AMRAP Mentality with Jason Khalipa
+ Pat Vellner aiming to overthrow ‘CrossFit King’ Mat Fraser – CNN
+ The Final Saga in CrossFit vs. NSCA Legal Battle: “The Race is Over” – Morning Chalk Up


FCF Bingo is here! Grab a sheet and start playing. If you have any questions or need clarification don’t hesitate to ask and make sure you read the rules on the back of the sheet!

We’re also in our 3rd year of support of the Swedish Cancer Institute Adopt-a-Family:

The holidays are here and what better way to celebrate than giving to others in the local community who could use some extra cheer!? Many patients who receive care at Swedish Cancer Institute (SCI) find themselves overwhelmed as they try to manage treatment, work, and family obligations during the holiday season. To make this time of year a bit brighter, SCI has an annual tradition of supporting patients and families to provide food items, toiletries, and small gifts/comfort items. The donors remain anonymous and are given a “wish list” from the families. Most of these patients are in the middle of treatment and often don’t have the time or energy to even buy groceries for a holiday meal. One meal for these families means one less thing to worry about. For those interested in participating in this cause, donating one item from their personalized wish lists will go a long way towards making a difference in their lives.

Beginning this week we will have marked boxes and plastic bins out in the gym. There will be a sign up sheet with the families’ wish lists! Please sign up by writing your name and last initial in the box next to the item you are willing to donate and bring in your item(s) by Sunday December 16th. You may sign up for more than one item if you wish.

Thank you for helping us give to those in need!


Monday 12/3

back squat 8×3 at 75-85% of 1RM


3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
12 pullups

Athletes should run at a pace where they can pick up the KB as soon as they get back.
Focus should be on taking as few breaks as possible. Performance should go unbroken for every set. Post time to whiteboard.

Taco Tuesday 12/4

7 ascending sets of:
1 power snatch + snatch + OHS

10 rounds for time:
30 unbroken double unders
10 burpees

During the burpees, move at a pace that allows you to pick up the jump rope right after the 10th one. Post time to whiteboard.

Wednesday 12/5

Work up to a heavy set of 3 (full) cleans

EMOM for 21 minutes:
a. 15 dumbbell deadlift
b. 12 dumbbell cleans
c. 9 burpees

* Rx = 2×50/35 lbs.
** Add 1 burpee every round
*** Max burpees in final minute

Focus should be on going “all out” for each movement and then using the remaining time in the minute to recover. Athletes should have at least :30 of rest for the DB movements.

Score is number of burpees on last set. Post score to whiteboard.

Thursday 12/6

find max weighted pullup in 15:00, then


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 chest-to-bar pullups
15 pistols, alternating

Scaled version would be regular CINDY. Post max reps to whiteboard.

Friday 12/7

“12 Days of CrossFit”

perform the following in cumulative song format, for time:
100m sprint
2 bear crawls, 10m
:03 handstand
4 clean & jerks
5 dive-bomber push-ups
6 knees-to-elbows
7 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
8 hanging leg-raises
9 ring dips
10 squat thrusts
11 pullups
12 rocking pistols

Compare to 12/22/17. Post time to whiteboard.

Saturday 12/8

for 10 minutes:
:15 handstand
:15 rest


For 5 rounds, complete 7 unbroken sets of this complex:
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press

A great test of barbell stamina, partner up with someone to time out your rests. Post heaviest successful load to whiteboard.

Sunday 12/9

back squat 5×5 at 65-70% of 1RM, then

1000m row
50 thrusters, 20/15kg
30 pullups

Focus on big sets and pushing the pace- can thrusters be unbroken? In 2 sets? How about the pullups? Post time to whiteboard.


+ 19 Easy No-Cook Breakfast Ideas – Greatist
+ For Older People, Weight Training is More Important Than Cardio Exercise – Knowledge Science Report
+ Forget Your Washboard Abs, the Hottest Workout is For Your Fingers – WSJ
+ Alex Honnold Completes the Most Dangerous Free-Solo Ascent Ever – National Geographic

Box jump overs are a tad more difficult than your normal run-of-the-mill box jump due to moving your body through more space


+ Lose the Shoes! 10 Benefits of Barefoot Training and Getting Started – Robins Key

Part 2 (see Monday’s post for Part 1):

CrossFit WOD for Friday 7/20


5 rounds for time:
400m run
30 box jumps, 24/20″
30 wall ball, 20/14lbs

Performance does
5 rounds for time:
400m run
30 box jump overs, 24/20″
30 wall ball, 30/20lbs

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 4/4, Day 3/3

NEXT WEEK IS DELOAD WEEK. THERE ARE NO BARBELL CLASSES. Take other classes, active rests, mobility, etc.

front squat 65/5 (5)
clean + 2 jerks up to 70%
then seven sets to establish a heavy clean & jerk

midline, 200 reps
strength, using the orange sheet in the back

Powerlifting WOD – Week 4/4, Day 3/3

NEXT WEEK IS DELOAD WEEK. THERE ARE NO BARBELL CLASSES. Take other classes, active rests, mobility, etc.

box jump 6 sets of 3 jumps at 75% of max box jump

press 85/5+

deadlift 70/5 (6)

Dimel deadlift 4×15
sumo RDL 4×15
Romanian deadlift 4×15

20 squats between each deadlift accessory

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 7/21

3 rounds for max reps. 1:30 on, :30 off:
– running jump rope
– burpees
– calorie row
– knuckle drag sandbag
– bear crawl

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 7/22


as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats



as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
5 handstand pushups
10 pistols, alternating
15 pullups


establish a heavy deadlift in 10:00