FCF at the 2017 PRIDE PARADE
As most of you know, the FCF community will be walking in the Seattle Pride Parade this Sunday, June 25th. We hope that you can join us to celebrate, support and advocate for our LGBTQ* gym-mates, family, friends, coworkers and the community as a whole.
WHO: You! And friends, family, kids, colleagues and furry (leashed) friends!
WHEN: Arrive at the staging area between 12:15-1:15pm on Sunday, June 25th and plan to be on the parade route until mid-late afternoon.
WHERE: We will gather at the parade staging area, located at the Republic Parking lot at 6th Ave. & James St. Look for a very colorful, energetic and fit bunch (that’s us!).
– FCF Pride shirt and/or any colorful FCF gear!
– Accessorize with the Pride rainbow colors
– Costumes!
– Body paint!
– Sparkles!
– Whatever makes you feel groovy and energized!
If you pre-ordered a Pride shirt, it is available at the gym for pickup! Ask your coach! If you missed the preorder, there are many varieties and sizes available for purchase.
There are some important details you need to know (please keep reading!)…
Most of you have seen a parade or participated in a parade before, but this is different because we are a FITNESS community. We have the opportunity to showcase some of the fun movements and exercises we do at FCF.
What does this mean?
It means you’re gonna get a workout in…maybe 😉
You can participate by simply walking with the group, but you can also demo movements**, hand out Pride bracelets or stickers, help carry the FCF banner, and we have rainbow flags if you just want to walk and wave! There will be gym equipment available for our use during the parade – kettlebells (8 kg & 12kg) and hyperlites with 5kg bumper plates. If you decide to use a piece of equipment, you do not have to carry it the entire duration of the parade. We traded off a lot last year and it worked out great. If you get tired, pass it off to another athlete!
**There will be pauses in the parade and this is when we can demo the movements**
– BODYWEIGHT: burpees, burpees! Squats, lunges, burpees over hyperlite, high-five burpees with a buddy
– KETTLEBELLS: press, push press, swings, snatches, lunges, goblet squats
– HYPERLITES: front lunges, overhead squats, snatches, backsquats, push press, deadlifts, power or split jerks
– Most importantly, have fun and be safe! We encourage you to utilize some of the skills and movements you’ve learned at the gym, but you can always choose to walk. Note: If the weather is warm, the cement will be hot and burpees may be uncomfortable.