Big Bench
The bench press is an underutilized strength movement in the CrossFit world, even though it’s one of main competition lifts in Powerlifting, which CrossFit takes many cues and protocols from.
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 11/2
Find out what a Powerlifting class is like today!
bench press 9×3 + accessories (kettlebell bench press, close-grip pushups, JM presses, tricep pushdowns, and standing barbell oblique crunches)
Post heaviest load to whiteboard!
HIIT Class WOD – 12pm
Joint Prep with Ido flow
6 min of:
50m sandbag carry
10 sandbag squats
50m sandbag carry
10 sandbag shoulder to overhead
Row Sprints
:50s slow/:10s sprint x 2
:40s slow/:20s sprint x 2
:30s slow/:30s sprint x 2
:20s slow/:40s sprint x 2
:10s slow/:50s sprint x 2
Breathing tempo 3251
HIIT Class WOD – 5:30pm
Movement patterns / stretches up the ramp
Workout 1) Fun w/ a Box
Side 1 – 7 incline push ups + 14 incline mountain climbers
Side 2 – 7 decline plank ups + 14 seated flutter kicks
Side 3 – 7 dips + 14 incline grasshoppers
Side 4 – 7 box jumps + 14 seated knee tucks
2 min cool down
Workout 2) Fun w/ a Ball
1 – slam ball
3 – slam ball sit ups
5 – seated slam ball presses
7 – slam ball squats
10 – slam ball toe taps
8 min EMOM
2 min cool down
Workout 3) Lungs and Abs
3 station shuttle run
10 seated russian twists
15 single unders
10 crunches
5min of work!