Wednesday 10/19

WORKOUT for Wednesday 10/19/2022

“CGO 13.4”

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
3-6-9-12-15-etc of
clean & jerks, 29/43/61kg

Post scores to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Wed 10/19

1:00 stations for max reps
– decline calorie row
– kettlebell dead muscle clean
– box jump
– rest
– decline calorie row
– kettlebell jerk
– box clear over
– rest

Repeat for 3 rounds.

BODYBUILDING for Wed 10/19

3 rounds
10 bro chest-to-bar pullups
10 crush grip bent-over rows
10 KB high pull
1:00 rest

3 rounds
10 dips
10 shooter pushups
1:00 rest

3 rounds:
20+ JM press
20 bicep curls