In any support position (pushup position on the ground, lockout on the parallel bars, lockout on the rings) the most efficient position for our purposes mean extended wrists, locked elbows, shoulders forward, upper back rounded, and abs on. If possible, lockout the legs and point the toes just in front of the body.
These points of performance help maintain tension in the shape and keeps us efficient at our movements like muscle-ups, dips, pushups, burpees, and more!
IN-GYM WORKOUT for Tuesday 2/23/2021
a. Warmup
Complete 2-3 times
20 calories Row
10 Burpee Complex
20 scorpions
10 snatch-grip push press + OHS
20 v-ups
then BURGENER WARMUP. 3-5 trainer-led reps
b. Strength
EMOM x 10 do snatch + OHS twice, then
EMOM x 5 do 2 snatches
c. Conditioning
AMRAP in 20:00
4 DB thrusters, 2×50/35/20lbs
6 toes-to-bar
24 pogo hops (or double unders if you bring your jump rope)
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