Tag Archive for: Active Life Rx

YOGA at 10am on Zoom with IVAN.MVMT. Please RSVP via PushPress for meeting info!

Otherwise you might be needing something to recover from #21point2 aka #17point1

Not that they’re in today’s workout, but remember that along with all the squat variations we do it is important that we also focus on single-leg strength as well.


+ The Importance of Single Leg Training – CrossFit Perpetua

Upcoming Events

+ This Friday, 5/5, is First Friday! Bring something to share with your class- we’ll be providing the appropriate beverages and snacks throughout the day.
+ Also on Friday is the addition of another evening Kettlebell class.
+ On Saturday at noon we’ll be hosting another COMMUNITY CROSSFIT class! Free to anyone! Members can bring non-members! If you’re reading this YOU’RE INVITED!
+ Also on Saturday Crystal B, Devin B, Ali S, and myself will be coming up north in Everett at the Spring Shakedown 2.0 hosted by Composite CrossFit.
+ FCF Bingo is coming back…

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 5/3


10-8-6-4-2 for time:
thrusters, 70/50kg

Fitness / Health

12-10-8-6-4 for time:
chest-to-bar pullups
thrusters, 43/29kg

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

clean & jerk heavy, clean pull, front squat, stretching

Kettlebell WOD

Today’s class will be making use of the space we have before the before our first Friday (Yay!) class were we will be a bit more confined.

Primal Movement warmup and mobility with crawling races

Get-Up drill work until our Get-Ups are perfect and heavy

Snatches (swing regression) to sweat it out at the end of class.

ATTN: All athletes who a.) Registered for the CGO and joined Team Foundation CrossFit, b.) Sent in your 2017 Online Judges Course Certificate to info@fcf, and c.) Completed all 5 workouts and submitted scores online on time will receive a $20 credit to your April membership if all conditions were met.

Jacki’s last couple of reps at CGO 17.3

Staying on the subject of the 2017 CrossFit Games Open we know that each of you found something you sucked at- not necessarily movement, but maybe preparation (nutrition, sleep) or consistent training (are you cherry-picking workouts? hitting the intended stimulus) are also big factors into your performance this year. Holding onto standards and actually practicing them (I’m talking to you taped-wall-HSPU folk) throughout the year is something you KNOW you need to do, but don’t, then throw a fit when they show up. Same with rowers. Same with double unders. Same with thrusters.

Fortunately we have a full year until it shows up again. Be a more intelligent athlete and game plan! We’ll be providing you some avenues in the coming weeks. Keep your eyes here for details.


+ The CrossFit Open is Over, Now What? – The Barbell Spin

So many gold nuggets in here and I’m sure that last 3 minutes is especially important. “Did you hit the jazz cabbage?”

CrossFit WOD for Friday 3/30


for time:
21 thruster, 43/29kg
21 pullups
15 thrusters, 52/38kg
15 c2b pullups
9 thrusters, 61/43kg
9 bar muscle-ups

… or for those who haven’t done it in the past year/ever:


21-15-9 reps for time:
thruster, 43/29kg

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

muscle snatch + no-feet snatch
muscle clean + no-feet clean
Chinese jerk drill or OHS