Tag Archive for: Armen Hammer

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 7/6/2021



as many reps as possible in 7:00
10-20-30-40-etc of
– penguin jumps
– crunches
– reverse crunches

Post score to comments!

READ: Individual Event 1 Announcement – The CrossFit Games

Pushups should be performed in an arch-body position!

WORKOUT for Friday 5/28/2021


Practice your MURPH strategies! We’re going to do a 10-minute AMRAP of pullups, pushups, and squats. You can also choose one of the following:

a. 10/20/30
b. 5/10/15
c. 2/4/6
d. max pullups, max pushups, max squats (if you plan on going unpartitioned on Monday)

Since pushups will be the first movement to hit failure you can also try splitting that respective number in half and doing it as a transition between the squats and pullups. Instead of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats you could try 5 pullups, 5 pushups, 15 squats, 5 pushups, etc.


5 front squats every 2 minutes for 6 sets


5 rounds for overall time:
12 Devil’s presses, 2×10/25/40lbs
40 ab-mat situps
1:00 rest

Post time to whiteboard!

LISTEN: MURPH Strategies on Memorial Day – Turbo Geeks

Two weeks ago Tony and I were surprised by our lovely community!

Since the beginning of the pandemic we’ve transitioned to a weekly team meeting on Wednesday evenings. For this particular meeting no one but Dave was on and to be honest I was heated- no notifications prior and I had tons of information to share as we were in the reopening phase of classes.

I had just finished lifting and Tony was sitting in the office (the only place with a heater in here). Ron popped onto Zoom and it looked like he was outside in the courtyard with the fireplace. He invited both of us out, but we were both like “NO WAY! It’s way too f*cking cold outside.”. He nodded his head and tried again: “You should really come outside here for the meeting.”

Sounded weird, but we got the message.

Tony and I went out and were surprised by the rest of the team out there, and a table full of Rogue Fitness Slam Balls! A gift for us that’s really a gift for all of you- all I’ll program moving forward is slam balls! 😁😁😁

Not only that, but we received a check representing the $1450 donated on our behalf to Lambert House, a local community center for LGBTQIA+ youth.

What an incredible gesture by athletes and friends both new and old (like, really old)! We couldn’t have possibly guessed what was going on and were more than pleasantly suprised.

From both Tony and I we’d like to thank everyone who was a part of this, especially Ron & Miles for coordinating all of it.

CONDITIONING for Thursday 1/28/2021

:30 on, :10 off
– deficit reverse lunge
– ground-to-overhead
– russian twist
– bump-facing burpee
– calf raise

Repeat for 3 total rounds!

Pullup Ladder: E2MOM do 1-2-3-2–1 reps x2 rounds

BENCH every 90 seconds do 5 reps (ascending in weight) x8
– Focus on contact point being lower than they think (sternum/top abs)
– Actively “breaking the bar” turns the lats on, preventing a shrugging of the shoulders for better stability on the bench.
– Challenge: Max unbroken pullups between sets

AMRAP in 12:00
20 situps
10 OH lunges, L
10 OH lunges, R

Modify so you can complete several rounds quickly and without rest. It should tax your legs and midline while challenging your overhead flexibility. Can also use the weight as an anchor for the situp OR for loading the situp. Preferably a 24/16/8kg KB -or- a 50/35/20lbs DB.

REMINDER: We moved the journals to the back, before your enter to the cubby area. You can ask coaches to grab your journals for recording purposes, otherwise leave a comment with your results!

READ: Ways to Give – Lambert House

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday, August 7th

21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlift, 102/70kg
handstand pushups

Post time to whiteboard.

Run Club, 6:30pm

We will meet at the bottom of the ramp, jog over to the track and do a team warmup.

2 rounds
2x400m, :45 rest b/t
3:00 rest

8x100m, :10 rest b/t
3:00 rest

2x400m, :45 rest b/t

Pacing: For the 400’s add :45 to your Mile PR Pace then divide by 4. Example: if mile PR is 6:15 my pace for the 400’s today should be 1:45 (6:15+:45=7:00, 7:00/4=1:45). The 100s should be fast, but not a full-on sprint. Take a calculated risk and see if you can push it keeping in mind you have two 400m as a finale. The 100s are the focus of the workout today.


+ Ch 1: How Under Armour Is Helping James Newbury Prep, Train, and Recover – BarBend
+ Get To Know Maxwell’s Equations- You’re Using Them Right Now – WIRED

Jon working a tuck position

We work flexion exercises, like the tuck/L to strengthen the hip flexors for better positioning and eventually stronger work. If you can imagine, Jon is either holding the position statically, or he’s mid-kip to a pullup.


+ The 100 Most-Influential People in Health + Fitness – Greatist

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 6/12

back squat 5 x 5 x 70-75%, then

tabata front squats, 52/38kg, then

30 muscle-ups for time

Post scores to whiteboard!


1-to-1o nose breathing burpee ladder

5:00 on, 1:00 off, for 3 rounds:
– lateral step-up
– elevated plyo pushups
– bear hug kneel-to-stand
– bicycle kick passes
– bench over & under


10-to-1 for time:
lateral hurdle
squat thrust


Foundations 4 WOD

AMRAP in 15 minutes
25 ball taps
20 goblet squat
15 slam ball
10 knees-to-elbows/hanging knee raise


Next Wednesday, June 13 we will not have 6:30pm or 7:30pm classes (CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting classes) as we’ll be holding a Staff Meeting. The last class of the day will be 5:30pm. The gym will close promptly at 6:30pm.

(Those who wanted to do the evening OWL Wednesday program will have a chance to do it in any of that Thursday’s CrossFit classes)


Another retest of the 2018 CrossFit Games Open workouts. Look forward to 18.4 and 18.5 next week! Until then hopefully you’ve been working on your double unders and muscle-ups!


+ The Importance of Being Strong Enough – Heat On Minded

CrossFit WOD for Champagne Friday 6/8

CGO 18.3 – Rx

2 rounds for time of:
100 double unders
20 overhead squats, 52/36kg
100 double unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double unders
20 dumbbell snatches, 50/35lbs
100 double unders
12 bar muscle-ups

CGO 18.3 – Scaled

2 rounds for time of:
100 single unders
20 overhead squats, 20/15kg
100 single unders
12 pullups
100 single unders
20 dumbbell snatches, 35/20lbs
100 single unders
12 pullups

Compare to 09MAR2018. Post scores/times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 2/3, Day 3/3

BtK HANG CLEAN + CLEAN 85 / 1 (2)
2 PAUSE FRONT SQUATS + 1 JERK 80 / 1 (3)
PAUSE at KNEE CLEAN PULL 105 / 2 (3)

GHR 3×8
ab-rollout 3×8
chinups 3×8

Powerlifting WOD – Week 2/3, Day 3/3

seated box jump 5 x 2 x 85%
PRESS 20kg/3, 60/3, 70/3, 80/3, 90/3+
DEADLIFT 55/5, 62.5/5, 67.5/3 (10)

bicep opener 3×5
tricep opener 3×5
tabata assault bike

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 6/9

establish a 1RM standing box jump, then

5 rounds for max total reps. 1:00 rest between AMRAPS.

3:00 AMRAP of
3 deadlifts, 102/65kg
6 pistols
9 pushups

Post score to whiteboard!

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 6/10

establish a 1RM seated box jump


3 rounds max reps:
:60 wall ball, 20/14lbs
:60 power snatch, 35/25kg
:60 box jump, 20/16″
:60 calorie row
:60 rest

Post score to whiteboard!