Congrats to Aimee for hitting the 1750 level of WODclub!
Every single workout written in her journal, too!
IN-GYM WORKOUT for Tuesday 3/30/2021
EMOM x 15
8-12 calorie row
5-8 dips (or bar muscle-up into your straight-bar dips)
8-12 kettlebell swings, any style
5-8 wall walks
8-12 pogo burpees
Adjust your numbers as needed and make sure you get some rest before rotating.
10 rounds for time:
10/15/20 calorie sprint
1:00 rest
7 power jerks, 35/55/75kg
1:00 rest
Today’s workout should allow you the opportunity for FULL-OUT SPRINTS each time. The first element would be on a machine like the rower or an air bike (I’d prefer the bike, but we only have three available) where you can go full send without worrying about technique. The second element requires strength and coordination with a barbell (or dumbbells), which should also be heavy but doable. You’d be reaching to finish the set without breaking. With all of the rests programmed in here this should take about 30 minutes.
Post the time for each round to your journal. Fastest time to the whiteboard!
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