Hmm… doesn’t the top of a kettlebell swing look like a plank?!
+ The 1 Exercise That Fixes 99 Problems – Onnit
CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 11/28
as many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
100m run
2 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
100m run
4 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
100m run
6 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
Continue adding 2 more reps to each round of the kettlebell swings. Post total swings to whiteboard!
Gymnastics Strength WOD
Muscle-Up Development:
– Crossover Symmetry IRON SCAP protocol
– hang check
– pull check
– gymnastics shoulder routine
– hang check
– pull check
– kipping drills
for 15 minutes:
1-2 banded muscle-up
3-4 dips
5-6 parallette pushups + shoot through
HIIT WOD – 12pm
Short Interval
Bring Sally Up – pushup variation
EMOM for 7 minutes:
7-10 burpees
long ladder
1:00 each
– wall sit
– one-arm plank/side
– glute bridge
– hang
– hollow
– rest
HIIT WOD – 5:30pm
Short Interval
Movement patterns
Wall ball “soccer
12:00 45on/15off
15 Slamball toe taps
10 Slams
10 slamball sit-ups
10 slamball plank passes
10:00 45on/15off alternative between A and B
Set A:
10 Lunges
8-10 push ups
10 Cossack squats
Set B:
Row/ bike