Tag Archive for: Capitol Hill


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Words cannot express how elated we are to have been able to bring this mural back to life. When we did this the first time June 11,2020 all we knew was it needed to be done. It needed to be done here, and it needed to be done now. We gathered what supplies we could, called all the dope artists we knew, and got it done.The way this all came together in less than 48hours will never not baffle our minds. Especially after having done it again, with much more time and a lot more resources. The message and the movement that is Black Lives Matter is not a new one. That’s just what we call it today. 30 years from now it may go by a different name. The hope is that people will not have to lose their lives in order for the idea to be true. That is why we do this work. #VMC We want to thank everyone who made this possible. Jason Huff at the @seaofficeofarts and Dahvee Enciso @seattledot you were both a pleasure to work with. We want to thank all the photographers and media we invited to capture this moment, especially @zornbtaylor @fuego_gatsby @nowah_j @kylekotajarvi @dipsauce and Bobbie Stills with @wwconverge. We want to thank @blueconestudios and @cmehitt for always supporting us. @chefwierdo for feeding us. @mikeyscloset17 for making our masks. @mikeillvester for closing us out wit some proper vibes. All of our families and loved ones who nurture us outside of this work. All the volunteers who helped us on the ground. And we want to thank all of you for seeing beauty and positivity and affirmation in this art and in its artists. Here’s to an artistic revolution 🎨✊🏾 ❤️#vmcblmmural

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CONDITIONING for Tuesday 10/6/2020


3 rounds for time:
15 deadlifts
30 box jump overs

Use a deadlift heavy enough to force about two breaks in the second and third round. Use a box height that forces you into a slower than normal rhythm. Post time to comments!

READ: Acknowledging a Botched First Effort, City of Seattle Plan with Artists to Recreate BLACK LIVES MATTER Mural – CHS

David R and Ryan B

Empty barbells aren’t usually used in workouts, but can be devastating when used in high volume work like today.


+ There Goes the Gayborhood: Seattle’s Shifting Queer Geographies – KCTS9

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 3/22

1. tabata Gymnastics-style plank
2. tabata KBS (Hard-style)
3. tabata ring row
4. tabata push press, 20/15kg
5. tabata burpees
6. tabata muscle snatch, 20/15kg
7. tabata forearm plank
8. tabata KBS (Perfectly-vertical)
9. tabata handstand
10. tabata tuck jumps
11. tabata jumping good mornings, 20/15kg
12. tabata thrusters, 20/15kg

Post total reps to whiteboard!


7 rounds
Row 250m
1 weighted rope pull
rest 1min


7 rounds
Row 250m
12 Double KB Step Ups
rest 1min