Tag Archive for: deadlift 5×3

CrossFit WOD for Friday, September 20th

for time:
50 double unders
25 thrusters
50 double unders
25 power snatches
50 double unders
25 hang squat cleans
50 double unders
25 overhead squats
50 double unders

50/35/20kg. Post time to whiteboard!

CrossFit WOD for Friday, September 21st

bar/10, 50/5, 70/3, 80/3, 90/3+

for time:
200 wall ball shots, 20/14lbs to 10/9′
50 synchro burpees
200 calories
50 deadlifts, 50% of max

Post time to whiteboard!

CrossFit WOD for Sunday, September 22nd

in teams of two, establish a maximum in 18:00
– meters rowed
– 1RM snatch

Post scores to whiteboard!

READ: SVT and the Modified Valsalva Maneuver – CPR Seattle
WATCH: The Budget Training Short Buyer’s Guide 2019 – As Many Reviews As Possible

I can attest to the Russell Athletics shorts. I’ve literally been wearing them all spring/summer!

Adrian T


What Does 30×0 Mean? Why I Like Tempo Training – CrossFit Invictus

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 5/24

deadlift 5x3x73%, 5x2x80%, 5x1x83%

All deadlifts should have a tempo of 3221

AMRAP in 10 minutes
40 burpees
30 situps
20 front & back step lunges

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

kneeling muscle clean, presses, hang clean high pull, muscle clean, press, rack jerk

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal Movement Mobility
– Weighted carries (only one bell this time!)
– Clean Skill Work with Armor Building complex variations (cleans, presses and squats).

Swings will be a sub for athletes not ready for a high volume of cleans.

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/24

deadlift 5x3x70%, 5x2x75%, 5x1x80%, then

3 rounds for time:
800m run
20 alternating front lunges, 52/36kg


+ The Skill of Barbell Cycling – Training Think Tank

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

snatch + OHS, back squat, snatch pull, knees-to-elbows, good am, arnold press, box jump

Kettlebell WOD

Primal crawling warmup and mobility

Swing work forcing on single arm skills. Working our way up to snatches.

Squat pyramid finisher.