Burpees are the ultimate expression of a human’s ability to get down and get up, taking you from a standing position to a prone position (laying on your chest and stomach) to a vertical jump. Scaling is simply a degree of speed and how many points of contact you take through the transitions.
Rx = 400m run with 20/14# med ball. Scaled = 500m row. Performance = 400m with 30/20# slammer on torso.
Do not use a mixed grip in today’s deadlifts. The mixed grip is a handicap that you should only ever use at competition, where completing the work is priority over everything else. In training we need to practice what’s necessary, be humble with our abilities, and work hard on what we can control. The imbalances built in the shoulders/upper back also don’t help you in the long run. With time and effort (we have PLENTY more deadlifts coming at you) we can make some great progress moving forward.
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 7 out of 8: the Deload Before Max Week
snatch + push press, back squats, snatch-grip RDLs, stretching
This is the deload week before we max out again next week, so prep your body, take care of your trouble areas, and great ready.
Kettlebell WOD
– Primal movement mobility warmup
– Rack and overhead walk around the block
– We will work on skills related to cleans. Front squats and presses will be on the menu as well.
https://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/FoundationsApr2017-3.jpg15001000Andrewhttp://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.pngAndrew2017-05-07 19:00:362017-05-07 19:19:33Monday the 8th