Everyone’s favorite piece of workout equipment
IN-GYM WORKOUT for Tuesday 3/16/2021
a. Preparation
Early: row then another 4 minutes working on stroke rates at 24, 28, 32, and 36
27 squat warmup
27 pushup warmup
27 kb deadlift warmup
b. Stamina
Then 50 pullups (of any sort) for time. 6:00 time limit.
c. MetCon
for time:
60 alternating DB snatch
40 box jump, 8/12/20″
20 bar muscle-ups
40 box jump
60 DB hang clean & jerks
Do 5 HC&J per side before alternating. Post time to your journals/the whiteboard.
READ: Four Takeaways From Mat Fraser’s Interview on the Joe Rogan Podcast – Morning Chalk Up