Limited-edition shirts (in very limited quantities) available now!
Rock yours at Safeco this summer
This Saturday we’ll be hosting our first SINGLET SATURDAY!
At 10am we’ll be covering a lesson on weightlifting, specifically the Weightlifting Technique Triad, then we’ll hit a complex for max weight, do some pulls or snatches, hit some accessories, then call it a day. It’d be nice to have all morning/afternoon/evening athletes mix and mingle and challenge each other to new levels of lifting. We’ll play some of the Pan Am Championships and we’ll prep for the last week of the May program.
It costs a class and is open to anyone confident in their own weightlifting skill set and limitations. We won’t be teaching basics, just sharpening the technique you already have.
+ The Grip Problem – Starting Strength
CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 5/16
overhead squat 5-5-5
snatch balance 3-3-3
hang (squat) snatch 1-1-1
Post heaviest loads to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 2/3, Day 2/3
hang clean 80/3 (3)
3 front squats + 1 jerk 83+/1 (2)
clean pull 105/3 (3)
good mornings 3×6
side bend 3×10/side
dips 3×15
bonus: banded tricep extensions 2xME
Powerlifting WOD – W2D2
bench press 90/3+
good morning 5×10
toes-to-bar 4×15
tricep openers 5×5
Kettlebell WOD
3 rounds
250m run
21 kb push presses
12 pull ups
Death by Kettlebell Swings
Minute 1, 1 swing
Minute 2, 2 swings
Minute 3, 3 swings . . . .
cool down & abs