Tag Archive for: Kam Chancellor

Remember those dumbbell hang clean & jerks from 18.1?

Here’s to another awesome week of fitness! On tap: run/c2b pullups/clean & jerks, back squat triples, farmer’s carries/burpees, lunges, running/burpees, double unders/dumbbell hang clean & jerks/single-leg toes-to-bar, PACED ISABEL, PACED GRACE, Simple & Sinister, and power cleans/front squats/push jerks.


+ “Pray For Your Boy”: Kam Chancellor and the Somber New Reality of NFL Retirements – The Ringer

(Watch “ALL IN” Part 1 here)

CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/9

3 rounds for time:
400m run
12 chest-to-bar pullups
9 clean & jerks, 70/50kg

17:00 time cap.

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3/4, Day 1/3

snatch + overhead squat + snatch 80/1 (3)
clean + front squat + jerk 80/1 (3)

3 rounds:
15 pullups
15 front raises
15 jumping good mornings

midline, 150 reps

Powerlifting WOD – Week 3/4, Day 1/3

box jump 4x2x95%

back squat 80/max reps

3×8 kettlebell rack lunges
3×8 reverse hypers
3x:30 weighted planks

bicep openers 5×5

Kettlebell WOD

Joint prep, Movement patterns

– 3×10 DKB rack lunges
– 3×10 DKB push press
– 3×10 DKB floor bench press

**KettleBell LP (Double Bell): Week 3**
5 Rounds, 60 seconds on 60 seconds off. 1 Round consists of the following Complex:
5 x Double KettleBell Cleans
9 x Double KettleBell Front Squats
6 x Double KettleBell Thrusters

*Complexes should be performed with the heaviest bell for you. If you fail to complete your complex in two separate rounds, lower one bell weight. Ideally the complexes are completed unbroken, but not required. *

**3 rounds **
– KB Swings 1 minute
– Burpee 1 minute
– Sit-ups 1 minute
45 seconds of rest