Tag Archive for: low back

There’s a new competition coming

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Friday 5/14/2021


Work on your kipping until coach says otherwise, then movement patterns as a group!


for time:
30 back squats
40 toes-to-bar
50 deadlifts
40 chest-to-bar pullups
30 back squats

Rx = 40/65/100kg on the barbell. If you have a vest/plate carrier/ruck/hiking pack and plan to do MURPH on Memorial Day then you should start wearing it to build up tolerance!

Post times to whiteboard!

WATCH: Ever experience the “Back Barbeque”?!


+ Enhancing Low Back Health Through Stabilization Exercise (PDF) – University of Waterloo

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 1/3

establish within 15 minutes each:
– snatch 1RM
– 500m row

Let’s establish some numbers for 2018 so we can direct our training purposefully! First we’ll start with these two lifts and follow it up with some row sprints. How’s your technique? Do you know how to sprint start?

Post results to whiteboard!

Kettlebell WOD

warm up + accessories

complete 300 double kettlebell swings with perfect form. every time you break you must complete 2 sets of the complex:
2 double cleans
1 double press
3 front squats

Deadline to enter your scores to games.crossfit.com is tonight at 5pm! Do it now if you haven’t. Check again to make sure your score has been validated!

17.1 squad says ENTER YOUR SCORE!

11:59pm is the deadline to send in your Judges Course certificate PDF to info@ to earn your JUDGEMENT points for your FCF Intramural Team!


+ Macro-Friendly Shopping at Trader Joe’s – Working Against Gravity

CrossFit WOD for Monday 2/27

bench press 4x8x75%, then


27-21-15-9 reps for time:
hang squat snatch

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

lifts: back squats, snatch + overhead squats, snatch push presses

accessories: kettlebell split squat, kettlebell power swing, kettlebell Chinese row

Kettlebell WOD

Goal: work on swing mechanics

Ground force

Swing drills

Swing/Press ladder

Anthony P

You KNOW we have some high-rep deadlifts coming in the next five weeks or so. Do you get any tightness in your back after a workout with a high-volume of hinging movements like the deadlift, kettlebell swing, olympic weightlifting, etc? Might want to check out the article and video below.


+ Low Back Tightness During Deadlifts – The Movement Fix

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 2/22


21-15-9 reps for time:
thruster, 43/29kg

Compare to 1/30/2017. Post time to whiteboard.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

lifts: front squats, slow clean pull + clean + jerk, push press + jerk
accessories: batman split, single-leg hip extensions, med ball hammer rotations