CONDITIONING for Tuesday 10/19/2021
READ: Would Exercising at 5am Make You a Happier Person? – The Guardian
CONDITIONING for Tuesday 10/19/2021
READ: Would Exercising at 5am Make You a Happier Person? – The Guardian
This week is a DELOAD week from our ongoing volume and intensity so we’ll be working lots of isometrics and positional strength. Prioritize nutrition, recovery, and flexibility work!
weighted lunge 10×5, then
3 rounds of continuous movement
1:00 medicine ball clean wall ball, 20/14lbs
1:00 kettlebell SDHP, 32/24kg
1:00 broad jumps, 6/4′
1:00 alternating dumbbell snatch, 50/35lbs
1:00 kettlebell swing, 32/24kg
1:00 rest
Post score to whiteboard.
Barbell Club
It’s Realization week! Max effort reps on your lifts in Powerlifting so we can game plan next week’s 1-rep maxes. Olympic Weightlifting gets the collar off of the slow and controlled movements to see what happens at full speed.
+ Olympic Weightlifting WEEK3, August 2019 PDF
+ Powerlifting WEEK3, August 2019 PDF
+ Morning Exercise May Offer the Most Weight Loss Benefits – NY Times
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1122 E Pike St. #1385
Seattle, WA 98122
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1415 12th Ave
Seattle, WA, 98122