Tag Archive for: morning

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 10/19/2021

READ: Would Exercising at 5am Make You a Happier Person? – The Guardian

This week is a DELOAD week from our ongoing volume and intensity so we’ll be working lots of isometrics and positional strength. Prioritize nutrition, recovery, and flexibility work!

Who’s ready for some loaded lunges?!

CrossFit WOD for Monday, August 12th

weighted lunge 10×5, then

3 rounds of continuous movement
1:00 medicine ball clean wall ball, 20/14lbs
1:00 kettlebell SDHP, 32/24kg
1:00 broad jumps, 6/4′
1:00 alternating dumbbell snatch, 50/35lbs
1:00 kettlebell swing, 32/24kg
1:00 rest

Post score to whiteboard.

Barbell Club

It’s Realization week! Max effort reps on your lifts in Powerlifting so we can game plan next week’s 1-rep maxes. Olympic Weightlifting gets the collar off of the slow and controlled movements to see what happens at full speed.

+ Olympic Weightlifting WEEK3, August 2019 PDF
+ Powerlifting WEEK3, August 2019 PDF


+ Morning Exercise May Offer the Most Weight Loss Benefits – NY Times