Tag Archive for: OHS


CONDITIONING for Friday 10/16/2020


5 rounds for time:
10 lunges
10 pushups
10 squats

Start & end with 50 situps. Post time to comments!

READ: What Happens to Your Brain When You Stop Drinking Alcohol – Domino


CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 2/19/2020

10 rounds for time:
3 overhead squats, 74/50/35kg
6 bar muscle-ups
12 pogo burpees

Share time to whiteboard. Post workout is hard rolling the quads (NOT FOAM ROLLING), then overhead banded distraction for the lats and chest.

READ: Five Drills to Improve Your Overhead Squat Fast! – The Barbell Physio

with Carl Paoli at the FreeStyle Connection Seminar

On the agenda this week:

CrossFit classes – This week our focus is on volume! Make sure you wear the appropriate attire for the jump roping and running days, and be mindful of the condition of your hands. Workouts include the “40/40”, double unders/bear crawls, kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls, t2b/hspu/pistols, du/deadlifts/du/hang power cleans/du/power snatches, LYNNE, box jumps/wall ball/burpees, and a reverse CGO 14.5

Olympic Weightlifting classes – We begin our new winter cycle. Focus on learning to pull under the barbell, and we’ll also increase that leg strength so we can get you prepared for our In-House FCF Weightlifting Meet on Saturday 12/2.

Powerlifting classes – With just one week left we’ll hit a handful of new lifts, reinforce some accessories and their engines, and get you prepared for next week’s max retests.

HIIT & HellaFit classes – Our new High-Intensity Interval Training class will leave you feeling accomplished but tired, so try it out. HellaFit has some real nice burners planned for the weekend too!

Kettlebell classes – Another week of quality and consistency! Use the hips! Brace the core!

Gymnastics Strength classes – Muscle-up strength and skill work is still the main agenda so expect conditioning the engines necessary for the skill, strength work surrounding the pullup and dip, and stretching all of the body!


+ 2017 Reebok CrossFit Invitation Recap – CrossFit Games

CrossFit WOD for Monday 11/6

for time:
40 handstand pushups
40 front squats, 80/60kg

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1/4, Day 1/3

muscle snatch + snatch balance + snatch drop, power snatch + snatch complex, tempo back squats

snatch push press, step-ups, weighted v-ups

Powerlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 1/4

Max Effort Upper Body

floor press, dumbbell bench press, Tate press, JM press, banded pull aparts, GHD oblique crunches

Kettlebell WOD

Primal mobility

Turkish Getup focus

Swings and lunges to finish class