Each athlete will complete 500-400-300-200-100m rows for overall total time.
– One athlete rows the rest of the team is in a double kettlebell rack position, a plank, and a suitcase hold. Rotate positions until all athletes complete all rows.
You Go, I Go: 500-400-300-200-100m for time. You can only row when your partner is racking double 24/16kg kettlebells. Unracking the bells adds a penalty to your overall time, as well as forces the rower to stop rowing.
Post teams and times to whiteboard.
Row 40 cals 1:1 rest x 4 set
Assault Bike 36 cals 1:1 rest x 4 set
Run 400m 1:1 rest x 4 set
https://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/FoundationsGraduation-Feb2018-24.jpg10001500Andrewhttp://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.pngAndrew2018-02-21 20:16:532018-02-22 15:13:22The 2018 CrossFit Games Open Begins!
+ Monday is Labor Day and we’ll be running “Holiday Hours”. CrossFit class at 9, 10, 11AM & Weightlifting at 12PM.
+ No 6:30PM Weightlifting class on Friday, 9/1. (7:30PM Weightlifting only).
+ We are hosting the FREESTYLE CONNECTION Seminar with Carl Paoli on Tuesday 9/26. Register for the event here!
YGIG for 20 minutes:
a. 25 situps, 50 double unders
b. max SDHP, 40/25kg
Score is max total sumo deadlift high pull reps. Post score to whiteboard / comments!
HellaFit WOD
Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!
Foundations WOD – Class 5
500-400-300-200-100m rows, meanwhile partner holds double kettlebell rack position. You Go, I Go, for time.
The double under is a higher-level skill that takes tons of coordination. If you don’t have coordination it will take megatons of practice and concentration. See the linked article for a nice training program!
https://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/VERSUS-X-72.jpg10001500Andrewhttp://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.pngAndrew2017-04-12 20:34:452017-04-13 10:03:47ANNIE. But Not.