Tag Archive for: press 553311

… and she continues to persist!

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday, August 28th

press 5-5-5-3-3-1-1+, then

Wodapalooza Online Qualifier #1
AMRAP in 9:00
3-6-9-12-15 reps of
hang power snatch, 34/25/20/15kg
overhead squat, 34/25/20/15kg

30 double unders to finish each round. Post score to whiteboard!

This means you’d pickup a bar, do 3 hang power snatches, 3 overhead squats, 30 double unders. Then 6 hps + 6 ohs + 30 du. Then 9/9/30, 12/12/30, 15/15/30, etc.

READ: Wodapalooza Week 1, Workout 1 SCORECARD – WZA
WATCH: Jacob Heppner’s WZAOQ #1 Tips, Strategies, & Pacing