Tag Archive for: runwb

Nasreen limbos out of the weekend like

Coming this week! Run/wall ball, back squats, front squats/muscle-ups, MARCO (pullups/hspu/thrusters), BOWEN (run/deadlifts/burpee pullups/kb thrusters), JOSIE (run/burpees/power clean/front squats/run), 100 dips, double unders/burpees/bar muscle-up, Simple & Sinister, kettlebell cleans/kettlebell lunges/box jumps, and “HEAVY DOUBLE” (back squats, presses, deadlifts).


Registration for this block of Foundation Barbell programs close tonight! You can take 1-3 classes a week as supplementation to your CrossFit classes!
– JULY 4th SCHEDULE: CrossFit @ 9am/10am/11am, Olympic Weightlifting & Powerlifting @ 9am.
– We’re proud to be hosting Carl Paoli of Freestyle Connection in BEYOND MOVEMENT: Coaching of Coaches on July 15th. More details here.


+ STAY TIGHT! How to Breath, Brace, and Save Your Spine – Athlete Daily
+ Retired Marine 10+ Hour Plank World Record – Morning Chalk Up

CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/2

for time:
400m run
30 wall ball, 14/8lbs
400m run
30 wall ball, 14/8lbs
400m medcine ball run, 14/8lbs

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 2/4, Day 1/3

POWER SNATCH + 2 OHS 75 / 1 (3)

4 rounds
12 pullups
12 front raise w/ bumper
12 jumping good am, 35/25kg

Start as strict and possible then scale and modify as necessary to complete the set in a timely manner. The volume is more important today.

Powerlifting – Week 2/4, Day 1/3

box jump 5 x 3 x 85%
back squat 72.5% / 3 (8)

4×10 kettlebell lunges
4×10 back extensions
4x:45 banded plank

bicep opener 5×5

Kettlebell WOD

Joint prep, Fish Game, Dynamax wheels

Technique /Strength: Sotts Press, One-arm Bent over row, KB situps

**KettleBell LP (Double Bell): Week 2**
5 Rounds, 60 seconds on 60 seconds off. 1 Round consists of the following Complex:

– 6 x Double KettleBell Cleans
– 8 x Double KettleBell Front Squats
– 6 x Double KettleBell Thrusters

*Complexes should be performed with the heaviest bell for you. If you fail to complete your complex in two separate rounds, lower one bell weight. Ideally the complexes are completed unbroken, but not required. *

**For time: 50-40-30-20-10**
– Goblet Squats
– KB Swings

##Accessory work
– Arm bars