This week we see: back squats, high-round pistol/pushup/v-up, EMOM snatches with a twist, DOUBLE PYRAMID HELEN, a version of Bring Sally Up on my off day + walking lunges, PENNIES, snatch and clean & jerk maxes on the weekend, and of course a Team Workout! 18:58:212017-07-30 22:15:03July is Over!
In the CrossFit world of barbell you’ll hear the term “cycling” used in regards to how well you can string your reps together. Today we get to focus on cycling the 3 cleans three times every round.
The CrossFit high-cycling methods have slight differences from traditional Olympic Weightlifting. These include (but aren’t limited to) stance, grip, foot movement, finish positions, and breathing technique. Watch the video of Sam Briggs and Annie Thorisdottir go at it with snatches. See if you can spot some of the differences in their techniques.
6 sets of the following complex:
high hang clean + hang clean + touch-and-go clean + push press
high hang clean + hang clean + touch-and-go clean + push jerk
high hang clean + hang clean + touch-and-go clean + split jerk
One set consists of all 12 reps. Try not to drop the bar during the entire set; if you must drop after the overhead movements, it’s allowed – just be quick to get back on the bar.
Rest as needed between sets and try to increase weight after each set.