Tag Archive for: SB

Sarah B (of the Brunch Squad) at VERSUS X


+ Finding Her Voice: Chloe Johnson on Transgender Equality – Athlete Daily

CrossFit WOD for Friday 10/27

CGO 13.2

as many reps as possible in 10 minutes:
5 shoulder-to-overhead, 52/34kg
10 deadlifts, 52/34kg
15 box jumps, 24/20″

Compare to 14MAR2013 or 06SEP2013 or 25OCT2013 or 11APR2014

Post score to whiteboard / comments!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 7/7, Day 3/3

snatch ladders, clean & jerk ladders, potentially maxing out if you can climb w/o missing

Powerlifting WOD – Week 3/5, Day 3/4

Dynamic Effort Upper Body

Gymnastics Strength WOD

splits, bridges, L-hangs, arching, and planking

Kettlebell WOD

Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility, Rack and OH work, Shoulder and hip mobility, Swings, presses and squats.

Sarah B

Remember: twist in the wrist while keeping your hands down & forward!


+ Australia’s Fittest Man Cut From Ninja Warrior – News.com.au

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/25


50 back squats (61/43kg) for time

for time:
160 double unders
80 one-arm snatches, 24/16kg
160 double unders


50 back squats (75/53kg) for time

for time:
200 double unders
100 kettlebell snatches, 32/24kg
200 double unders

Post both times to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

CompEx WOD

2 rounds for time:
22 thrusters, 43/29kg
22 pullups

5:00 rest

2 rounds for time:
22 deadlifts, 102/70kg
22m handstand walk

5:00 rest

2 rounds for time:
22 toes-to-bar
22 hang power snatch, 52/38kg

Gymnastics Strength WOD

handstands, L-sit, midline, kick-ups, stretching, compression conditioning

Endurance WOD

Short Interval: 12x 200m run, 60-second rest between efforts

Sarah B

The double under is a higher-level skill that takes tons of coordination. If you don’t have coordination it will take megatons of practice and concentration. See the linked article for a nice training program!


+ Are You Tired of Tripping on Double Unders? – WODprep

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 4/13

for time:
10 deadlifts, 102/70kg
50 double unders
50 situps
8 deadlifts, 102/70kg
40 double unders
40 situps
6 deadlifts, 102/70kg
30 double unders
30 situps
4 deadlifts, 102/70kg
20 double unders
20 situps
2 deadlifts, 102/70kg
10 double unders
10 situps

Rx = 102/70kg, Fitness/Health = 61/43kg, Performance = 120/84kg. Alternatively use 60% of your 1RM deadlift.

Post time to whiteboard.

April 2017 Foundations WOD

500-400-300-200-100m row for time, while partner holds a double kettlebell rack

HellaFit WOD


1. burpees
2. squats
3. pushups
4. arch holds
5. OH lunges
6. power KBS

1 minute of midline or handstand work after each tabata.