Two weeks ago Tony and I were surprised by our lovely community!
Since the beginning of the pandemic we’ve transitioned to a weekly team meeting on Wednesday evenings. For this particular meeting no one but Dave was on and to be honest I was heated- no notifications prior and I had tons of information to share as we were in the reopening phase of classes.
I had just finished lifting and Tony was sitting in the office (the only place with a heater in here). Ron popped onto Zoom and it looked like he was outside in the courtyard with the fireplace. He invited both of us out, but we were both like “NO WAY! It’s way too f*cking cold outside.”. He nodded his head and tried again: “You should really come outside here for the meeting.”
Sounded weird, but we got the message.
Tony and I went out and were surprised by the rest of the team out there, and a table full of Rogue Fitness Slam Balls! A gift for us that’s really a gift for all of you- all I’ll program moving forward is slam balls! 😁😁😁
Not only that, but we received a check representing the $1450 donated on our behalf to Lambert House, a local community center for LGBTQIA+ youth.
What an incredible gesture by athletes and friends both new and old (like, really old)! We couldn’t have possibly guessed what was going on and were more than pleasantly suprised.
From both Tony and I we’d like to thank everyone who was a part of this, especially Ron & Miles for coordinating all of it.
CONDITIONING for Thursday 1/28/2021
:30 on, :10 off
– deficit reverse lunge
– ground-to-overhead
– russian twist
– bump-facing burpee
– calf raise
Repeat for 3 total rounds!
Pullup Ladder: E2MOM do 1-2-3-2–1 reps x2 rounds
BENCH every 90 seconds do 5 reps (ascending in weight) x8
– Focus on contact point being lower than they think (sternum/top abs)
– Actively “breaking the bar” turns the lats on, preventing a shrugging of the shoulders for better stability on the bench.
– Challenge: Max unbroken pullups between sets
AMRAP in 12:00
20 situps
10 OH lunges, L
10 OH lunges, R
Modify so you can complete several rounds quickly and without rest. It should tax your legs and midline while challenging your overhead flexibility. Can also use the weight as an anchor for the situp OR for loading the situp. Preferably a 24/16/8kg KB -or- a 50/35/20lbs DB.
REMINDER: We moved the journals to the back, before your enter to the cubby area. You can ask coaches to grab your journals for recording purposes, otherwise leave a comment with your results!
READ: Ways to Give – Lambert House