Tag Archive for: Wim Hof

PARTNER WORKOUT for Saturday 4/30/2022

max alternating rounds in 20:00
1 power clean
3 push jerks
5 deadlifts
7 hand-release pushups

Barbell Rx = 30/45/64kg. Athlete A does one full round before tagging Athlete B for them to do the same round. How many rounds can the pair complete in 20 minutes?

Post scores to whiteboard!


Starting next Wednesday we’ll begin a weekly squat cycle!

WORKOUT for Friday 6/4/2021


3:00 of a plank then 3:00 of lunge variations then our HSPU Strength Ladder: 4 rounds of 1-2-1



for total overall time do 1:00 working towards 100 burpee box jump overs (12/20/28″), 1:00 rest, until complete

22:00 limit. Immediately int 50 strict presses for time (15/32/50kg)

READ: Don’t Freak Out! Why Keeping Calm and Carrying On Exercising Can Help Back Pain – The Guardian

Lauren B & Nathan M

May these two goat belly together forever- congratulations on the engagement!


+ Fittest On Earth? – PeteJourgensen

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 9/5

front squat 5×3

AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 burpees
5 kettlebell dead squat clean/side, 24/16kg
1 rope climb

Rest 5:00, then repeat.

Post scores to whiteboard / comments!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Gymnastics Strength WOD

Handstands/Hanging: finger/hand/wrist prep then kick-ups into the wall, Messiah Stretch, Super Pigeon, station conditioning, Crossover Symmetry

CompEx WOD

21-15-9 rft:
power snatch, 35/25kg
C2/AB calories


15-12-9 rft:
thruster, 61/43kg
weighted pullup, 45/30#

30-20-10 rft:
kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

Rest 5:00 between workouts.

Foundations 7


150 wall ball shots for time

Practice this yesterday! And today! And tomorrow!

Breathing exercises are becoming more popular in the training world, even though it’s something we all already do. The Valsalva Maneuver, Pranayama, and others have been around forever. Wim Hof has popularized a scientifically-backed method that feels crazy when you practice it enough.

For those who’ve chatted with me in the past couple of months know I’ve been mentioning Wim Hof over and over, but this video does a great job of summarizing what it is, how to do it, and what the expected outcome is. The Iceman also has an app out there if you are interested.


+ Why I’m Quitting Tillamook Cheese – Good Stuff NW

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 3/20

push press 5x5x80%

21-15-9 for time:
cleans, 61/43kg

Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD

Come find out!