Coach Sarah

If you didn’t already see our weekly email here’s our schedule this week:

Also if you didn’t see our IG Live Q&A we have a ton planned for release on our social channels, thanks to you all and your continued support.

WORKOUT for Monday 4/20/2020 (LIGHT UP!)

Use this clock!

every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 burpees
– Min 2: 12 weighted step ups
– Min 3: 15 single arm push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 jumping lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings

every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 step up burpees
– Min 2: 12 weighted step ups
– Min 3: 15 single arm push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 weighted lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings

Using a bag or backpack with books or cans of food:
every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 burpees
– Min 2: 12 jumping air squats
– Min 3: 15 push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 weighted lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings or SDHP, depending on the complexity of the weighted implement

Post your score to comments!

2nd Serving – Need More Work? (-Bias)

If you didn’t do yesterday’s 5k for time, do that instead. Our every-other-day-Endurance-bias-work will train specifically to improve your 5k time. You can adapt this into rowing and skiing as well.

  • Walk two to three minutes to pre-warm your body.
  • Run 10 minutes at an easy effort to warm up.
  • Run 8 x 1 minute at a hard but controlled effort in the red zone (see chart below).
  • Follow every minute of hard running with one minute walking to catch your breath and recover.
  • Cool down by running five minutes at an easy effort and walking three minutes.

HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x 4 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: Some Thoughts About COVID-19 and Weightlifting – Catalyst Athletics