New Year, New You
…And new us! Welcome to the new Foundation CrossFit website and blog. Really weird how the old one crashed a couple of days before we planned to roll this version out. Oh well, screw 2016…2017 in the house!
Hope you guys had a fantastic time celebrating the new year. Here’s to many goals crushed and dreams realized.
Time to get back at it!
+ The Power of Setting Absolutely Huge Goals –
CrossFit WOD for Skills Monday 1/2
bench press 5x8x65% + ab work, then
50-40-30-20-10 for time:
double unders
push ups
Post time to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
back squat, 3-position snatch, snatch-grip RDL, russian twists, hanging leg lifts
no Kettlebell WOD today
(we’ll be back Wednesday)