WOD Club
Whether you’ve been with us for 5+ years, a year, or a couple months or weeks you should know that we love to celebrate everything you accomplish within the gym. There’s a reason why we assign you journals to keep track of your workouts, progress, goals, and even the not-so-great performances. It’s so that you can always have a goal in mind when approaching a new or old workout. As your coaches we love to hear how you shaved a minute off of your previous “HELEN” or how you got that 1kg PR on a lift you’ve been working on for so long. Maybe you hate burpees less! Maybe you got ONE double under. Oh snap! You got one strict pull up!
That hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. So the next time you accomplish a goal, share it with us!
Ring the PR bell – LOUD and PROUD!
High-five every one in your class!
And write them in your journal.
We celebrate your accomplishments year round. Your hard work and results are a reward in itself but a prize wouldn’t hurt either don’t you think? Join the WOD Club!
Participation is optional and super easy. Count up all of your classes from your very first day at FCF (how convenient if you just completed our Foundations Program!) and show us your journals when you reach the next milestone: 50, 150, 300, 500, 750, or 1,000 workouts! The prizes are pretty sweet. PLUS you get to take an awesome sweaty photo after your workout. 🙂
If you haven’t already, check out our WODClub page for more info!