Week of 12/31 Through 1/6
Catch Andrew competing at the Alpha Winter Classic this Saturday at 2pm! The event will be streamed live if you’re not there in person.

Also a number of people are starting an informal nutrition challenge for January. It’s not a gym-led educational challenge (so you’ll need your own plan to follow), but we’re all here to support you anyway.
Need some accountability? Join us!
Monday 12/31 (Holiday Hours: 9am, 10am , 11am classes only)
Endurance/Stamina Option: CHAD
Strength Option: back squats, presses, deadlifts
Power Option: snatches, clean & jerks
Tuesday 1/1: CLOSED
n/a. Do a HellaFit workout at home or go for a 40+ minute run!
Wednesday 1/2
3 rounds or time:
800m run
35 burpees
20 thrusters, 35/25kg
Thursday 1/3
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
9 chest-to-bar pullups
18 box jump overs, 24/20″
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
3 rope climbs
20 box jumps, 30/24″
Friday 1/4
10 rounds on the Concept 2 Rower:
– pull a sub 1:25/500m pace for as long as possible
– rest 3:00
Scale pace as needed so that the first interval can be maintained for approximately 1:00
Saturday 1/5
E2MOM max ladder:
– power snatch + hang snatch
– power clean + hang clean + jerk
Sunday 1/6
speed back squats 8×3, then
4 rounds for time:
400m run
50 air squats
+ The Only CrossFit Nutrition and Diet Article You’ll Ever Need – WODprep
+ Why Jack LaLanne Is One of the Most Influential Athletes of All Time – BarBend
+ 5 Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Suck – DoYouYoga