Week of 1/7 Through 1/13
The 2019 Foundation Barbell Cycle is here! A couple of changes have happened- please take a look at the document and read through. Classes still occur- just take note of day and time changes!

+ See our new memberships available: CrossFit, Barbell Club, and Full Access
+ Barbell class s back! Classtime offerings have changed, but we still have Olympic Weightlifting and Powerlifting tracks.
+ Guided Training is here- the closest thing we’ll ever have to an “Open Gym”.
Here’s how Andrew did at the Alpha Winter Classic 2019 hosted by Alpha Barbell on Saturday in Pacific, WA.
Monday 1/7
Tabata (20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals)
– handstand push-ups
– single-leg squats
– push-ups
– jumping lunges
You’re alternating between upper-body and lower-body movements, but expect the push-ups and lunges to be affected by the previous work. Use modifications that allow you to complete no fewer than 4-6 reps for the first two Tabatas, and target at least 6-8 reps in the last two Tabatas. Post reps for each exercise completed to whiteboard!
Tuesday 1/8
10 rounds for time:
12 medicine ball cleans, 20/14lbs
6 ring dips
3 bar muscle-ups
Post time to whiteboard!
Wednesday 1/9
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 thrusters
7 hang power cleans
10 sumo deadlift high pulls
Rx = 43/29kg. Loads should be light to allow a large number of reps in 20 minutes. Ideally, each set of 5, 7 and 10 reps
Thursday 1/10
On a 12-minute clock:
1 minute of GHD sit-ups
1 minute of bar muscle-ups
2 minutes of GHD sit-ups
2 minutes of bar muscle-ups
3 minutes of GHD sit-ups
3 minutes of bar muscle-ups
You have a total of 6 minutes to perform each movement, and the volume will demand rest breaks—especially in intervals 4-6. Select modifications that force you to work relatively hard for each rep of the pulling movement, and modify the core work so you do not have to take long rest breaks. The GHD sit-up is potent: Avoid large increases in volume over previous workouts or sub out for sit-ups. Post reps for each exercise completed to whiteboard!
Friday 1/11
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
1 squat snatch
3 clean and jerks
30 double-
Rx = 70/45kg. Select a middling but manageable load for the barbell, knowing that the snatch will be the limiting factor for almost all athletes. Avoid misses on the snatch and perform touch-and-go clean and jerks if you’re able to. Modify the rope work so you can get back to the barbell in about a minute or less. Post rounds completed to whiteboard!
Saturday 1/12
in teams of 3, for time:
12 rounds of DT
12 deadlifts, 52/38kg
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks
24 rounds of CINDY
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
Partner 1 works on DT, Partner 2 works on CINDY, Partner 3 rests. Rotate and share reps as needed. Choose a weight that you can complete the barbell complex unbroken. Post time to whiteboard!
Sunday 1/13
5 rounds for time:
10 power snatches, 43/29kg
14 pistols
Post time to whiteboard!
+ Anatomical Planes and Axes – CrossFit
+ The Myth of Self-Control – Vox
+ Sorry, But Giving Up on Meat Is Not Going to Save The Planet – Science Alert