Week of 5/14 Through 5/20

Monday 5/13
rack jerk 8×3
4 rounds for time:
10 push press, 70/48kg
20 toes-to-bar
400m run
Tuesday 5/14
for time:
7 burpee over bar
10 thrusters
7 burpee over bar
15 power snatch
7 burpee over bar
20 s2o
7 burpee over bar
25 hang snatch
7 burpee over bar
30 hang power cleans
7 burpee over bar
35 deadlifts
7 burpee over bar
Wednesday 5/15
back squats 5×10
Gymnastics Complex practice for 20:00
– 5 hanging shrugs, 4 beat kips, 3 slack kips, 1 pullup (attempt)
– 4 beat kips, 3 gymnastics kip pullups, 2 butterfly pullups
– 4 toes-to-bar, 3 pullups, 2 c2b, 1 bar muscle-ups
Thursday 5/16
as far as possible in 10 minutes:
30 snatches, 35/20kg
30 snatches, 60/35kg
30 snatches, 75/45kg
as many reps as possible at 95/55kg
EMOM for 9:00
clean & jerk + clean & 2 jerks
Friday 5/17
for time:
50-40-30-20-10 wall ball, 20/14lbs to 10/9′
10-20-30-40-50 hand-release pushups
Saturday 5/18
in teams of 3, for time:
150 deadlifts
120 overhead squats
90 shoulder-to-overhead
Rx 61/43kg, Intermediate 52/39kg, Scaled 34/25kg
Sunday 5/19
5 rounds for time:
8 split jerks, alternating, 61/45kg
7 bar muscle-ups
400m run
+ The Dystopian Future of Extremely Expensive Fitness Equipment – Mel Magazine
+ Why Runners Shouldn’t Wear Flip Flops – NY Times